OSHA PPE EXPERT Explains Why Your Mask is Doing NOTHING To Stop Covid-19 – IOTW Report

OSHA PPE EXPERT Explains Why Your Mask is Doing NOTHING To Stop Covid-19

I have this cued up to one specific part. In another section she explains how the corona virus cannot be stopped by your silly store bought coffee filters. In fact, you’re doing much more harm to your body in contrast to the zero benefit of wearing a mask that is not stopping this pathogen.

She explains that doctors know little about masks. It’s not their field.

ht/ c. steven tucker

39 Comments on OSHA PPE EXPERT Explains Why Your Mask is Doing NOTHING To Stop Covid-19

  1. She’d love my window screen mask. The double-takes today at the Walmart debut were epic. My wife was freaking out for a minute.. Like I was walking around in a face-thong. She gets it now, though. Tomorrow, I conquer Publix.

    And swear to God, a woman in the parking lot asked me where she could buy one.

  2. This has been my argument concerning “masks” since March. In the past I had to wear various masks and respirators on the job. My life depended on it. From simple particulate masks to full blown SCBA, I was trained annually in the proper selection, use, and maintenance of masks and respirators.

    The rags people wear on their faces today are utterly useless for any purpose, except to either spread fear or to virtue signal.

    Masks, as discussed in relationship to ChineseVirus and the USA, are of no use whatsoever.

  3. @flip July 22, 2020 at 1:05 am

    > Masks, as discussed in relationship to ChineseVirus and the USA, are of no use whatsoever.

    Conservatives are just undy soiling skeert of masks. Same as they were before Wu Flu.

  4. Soft Nylon Window Screen 36 in. x 25 ft. Insect Screen Dark Charcoal color $20 a roll @ Home Depot. This could make about 90+ Window Screen 8″ Wide by 12″ Longface shield-masks.

    Super glue @ Dollar Tree.

    1/4″ Wide Elastic Band @ clothing fabric stores or online

    Cut screen to 8″ Wide by 12″ Long
    Super glue or hot melt 1/2″ Folded to create edge seams.
    Cut Elastic band to comfortable snugness.

    You could also super glue in a 8″ of 1″ soft white foam for a Head sweat band if you wish

    About 10 mins @ a material cost of about $2.50.
    Or cut and wash out an old already replaced screen and save a $1.

    The look of Wally World Employees and Mgr’s. frantically looking for a way to address this semi-truck Size hole in their Useless Face-mask policy ——-> PRICELESS

  5. OK, she says a single virus is smaller than an N95 mask can effectively filter—and this is true. But her assertion that a properly sealed N95 unit is “completely ineffective” is just wrong. What she fails to mention is that the virus is rarely found as a single particulate unit; the virus is normally found in clustered groups which the N95 masks can filter quite well. Further, even if a few stray Covid make it through your PPE it is unlikely to matter because it’s the *number* of them that reside in your body (viral load) that determines your chances of contracting the disease. If you ingest enough of the virus to reach the level of an infectious dose then you are at risk for symptoms.

    I will continue to wear my N95 mask, but I’m retired and only use it when I’m shopping so I am not at risk for the issues associated with prolonged usage that she discusses. Do whatever your comfort level dictates but don’t disregard the value of properly fitted N95 equipment.

  6. I made my mask out of a large sheet of aluminum foil. Folded a small portion of it diagonally from the long end several times to fashion ear hooks like glasses and left the rest like a foil bandana. To top it off I placed a sign on it that says NOT JUST FOR HATS ANYMORE.

    I have had multiple people stop me and take my picture, and a few who said they were going to steal my idea, but as for now it is one of a kind.

  7. I think that global warming can be reduced if we just let humans die off at the hands of Covid-19. Why save the main cause of global warming so they/we can continue to destroy the earth?? Save the earth, spread Covid-19 across the world. These greenies should be out rioting in a rage, in supporting spreading Covid-19. FYI sarc.

  8. I was a mechanical contractor and did a fair amount of work in hospitals fitting medical gas piping throughout the facilities. She’s absolutely correct about the positive/negative air flows and controlled oxygen levels in the OR’s. When installation is complete the systems go through a carefully measured test and balance process.
    She’s also correct about the masks doing more harm than good as we all know by now and the directives requiring the mandatory use of masks is political.

  9. If I had the balls I’d put a raw turkey on my head as Mr. Bean did.

    Wouldn’t be able to see or hear the reactions of the Black Shirts of Walmart.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. seaoh, I sent BFH a photo of me in action at Walmart. I will send him one of the mask only, which he can post if he does a thread on mock-masks.

    Mine is nothing more than a piece of black plastic window screen with the cut-off ear loops from a disposable mask stapled on each side. Only one layer of screen, but I tested two layers for appearance and breathability, and it works fine.

  11. I haven’t worn a mask anyplace except the one day I went back to work.
    For the first time I had some old hippie woman follow me in the parking lot and furrow her brow and shake her head. Ya lady, that’s going to scare me into do what you want and get me to buy into your fear.
    Well, now she has something to talk about all day.
    The way 99% of people keep touching their masks and using them over and over and hanging them on their rearview mirrors, they are pretty much ineffective.
    They touch things in the stores and touch their masks and faces and yet think they are so righteous and safe.

  12. xxx, Trump is connecting with us by putting on the mask, believe it or not. And he looks good doing it. He made it clear that he was in control of when he would or would not wear it by going bare-face through the worst, and then and back into recovery. He purposefully chose that VA visit to deploy the mask and break it to the media. And now the media will play their stale tune: “If Trump Had Masked Earlier, Millions Would Never Have Died”, but it will drop off the charts by Friday.

    Also, millions of TDS-sufferers will start to doubt their masks, and journos may start writing “Why Masks Are Not Necessary Or Effective Anymore”. In fact, they won’t even have to write them; They can just go back and re-jigger their February mask stories.

    Please don’t believe that Trump has knuckled under. He’s almost got his pawn across the board.

  13. So much for the notion that conservatives are in favor of using common sense. The blue states are full of people thinking about voting against the idiot lunatics, and here you anti-mask people are making US look like lunatic idiots.

    Wear or don’t wear, It’s great comedy when belligerent holes die of their stupidity.

  14. Why are you commenting as anonymous, jo blo?
    You have something to say, use your name.

    You have been watching videos and documents concerning the ineffectiveness of masks, yet you’re going to insult someone who doesn’t want to wear them for whatever reason? No one is forcing you to go outside, in your car, jogging or swimming without one on. lol. You go right ahead.

    Oh yeah, that’s nice. Hoping people die from not wearing mask. lol. You’re so tolerant. Very lefty.

  15. I define lunatic as someone who wears a mask because people told him to, and to stand 6 feet apart from people because someone told them to, and to wear gloves, but then doesn’t when people tell them not to, but does not at all know the science behind mask wearing, or even cares to know. That’s a lunatic.

    When will you stop wearing the mask? When Andrew Cuomo tells you it’s safe?

    When the TV tells you it’s ok?

    By the way, what kind of mask do you wear?

  16. I’ll go one better. Where I live, the college system, the local government, etc., they are all EXEMPT from mask wearing.


    Please, tell me some more about how they’re seriously important. LMAO!

  17. My auto complete lost the jo blo info, so it’s easier to skip filling it in manually. I bought a box of n95 back when Obama was importing ebola – I don’t really care what experts say, especially if it disagrees with what they do. What do virus experts wear when there may be a risk? That’s what i want, but I’ll settle for half measures that are cheap and easy.

    It’s interesting that two of the most frequent commenters were able to spot me from my IP? You must be admins – enforcing the party line, are we?

    Sorry about the tone, I’m kind of frustrated by the mask paranoia. No, I’m not saying those who refuse masks are the ones doing all the dying, nor your other ridiculous assertions. Yes, it is funnier when someone dies after advocating stupid behavior – it’s a corollary of my rule: “Don’t do stuff which will cause the E.R. people to laugh at you”

  18. You can still type your name in.
    Come on, now. You aren’t new here.

    ” enforcing the party line, are we? ”

    Oh yawn. Really?
    Yeah, yeah, if you notice, others have said they would wear masks, too, but they didn’t insult people who don’t.

    Wear your mask, hun. It’s okay. At least I’m not here to chastise when people do. After all the info out there, and you still think everyone without a mask is going to die, well… Nothing anyone can say, really. lol

  19. Well, you may see lunatic idiots not wearing masks. I see lunatic idiots thinking that they ARE wearing masks because they have rubber looped over their ears and a coffee filter barely on their face.

    I’ve seen men with beards wearing n95 masks. This is a lunatic asshole. If you are not trained to wear the proper mask properly, you are a lunatic asshole.

    And if the tee vee tells you to wear a mask and you just march out there and buy a doily for your face and then yell at others by pulling the mask down so they can be heard clearly, this is a lunatic asshole.

    This describes 95% of the public. So, if you think this mask wearing did anything at all, you may be a lunatic asshole.
    Carry on.

  20. Coronaviruses are here 24/7 all year around. In summer, not so much because heat, humidity, whatever. There is no cure, never will be.
    There are vaccines which don’t work for all. Not because not a lot of people are taking them, but because vaccines are not effective for all virus. Wear your mask, don’t wear your mask. Don’t care.

    But WASH YOUR HANDS AND ASSES everyone. That right there is proven effective.

  21. I avoid video news – attractive people speaking authoritatively and presenting pictures is too biasing, also too time consuming. I think the covid hazard is mostly past, I wear a mask more to be polite at this point, but also I think it’s a bad look for conservatives to zealously oppose masks, far more important is anything that might help local businesses not get locked down by big .gov.

    I also think that anti mask positions interfere with persecuting the (D)irtbag politicians who outsourced production of PPE to Asia, and then told us we were too stupid to get any advantage out of masks. The anti-mask memes you are using started off as part of that propaganda campaign, and I’d dearly love to see them tarred and feathered, rather than partially vindicated by conservatives agreeing with them.

  22. The only time I wear a mask is in stores and only because you can not go in with out one.
    On another thread I will tell about a guy who through a 12 pack of pop at me over me pulling down my mask.

  23. Nice trolling jb, or bj, but you still did not cite anything other than your own arrogance and bias, and convinced no one of anything other than you sir or madam are a douche bag.

    Also have a question for Ho72, or anyone who can speak with knowledge about “viral load” as I have heard of that before. It doesn’t make sense to me that there is a threshold exposure needed to get the disease. Don’t viruses reproduce? And if you don’t have antibodies for this virus, what’s to keep one of them from reproducing freely in you?

  24. @Jo Blohard “I wear a mask more to be polite at this point”

    You can politely wear a mask to placate others, while knowing it does nothing to stop a virus, but many of us our not willing to politely give up our Constitutional freedoms just to make non-thinkers feel better. Rights lost are hard if not impossible to get back.


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