Other SCOTUS Rulings That Have to Go – IOTW Report

Other SCOTUS Rulings That Have to Go


Now, bolstered by President Trump’s three appointees to the court, the tide may have finally turned. A five-justice majority is finally willing to say that one of the major rulings from half-century ago was always wrong, should never have been created, and should be sent to the ash heap of history.

But Roe isn’t the only terrible ruling the Court has delivered. There are many more, and they are integral to sustaining the current rotten regime [imposed by the left].

If Roe is on its way out, here are seven more rulings that President Trump’s Supreme Court should jettison next. More

6 Comments on Other SCOTUS Rulings That Have to Go

  1. One of the great things Roberts did – yes, that John Roberts – was to kill the part of the 60’s voting rights bill that said certain specified states (in which Jim Crow was supposedly the worst) got special oversight, ‘until it wasn’t a problem anymore’. Well it hasn’t been a problem for decades, ability to vote has been fair everywhere for a long time, but the Senate kept voting to extend for purely cosmetic reasons. The Left kicked and screamed but Roberts ended it.

  2. Some good ones there, particularly Wickard v. Filburn, which extended use of the Commerce Clause to include basically anything the federal government decreed it did, devastating blow to the 10th Amendment. It will never be reversed even though it is obvious that it should, would take vast amounts of power away from the federal government.

  3. SCOTUS will rule on an important religious liberty case this month involving a football coach praying on the 50-yard line;


    Kelo and the Absolute Birthright Citizenship case are the most heinous and worthy of overturning to me.

    And can we completely strangle any ridiculous “penumbras formed by emanations” references from here on out?

    I know Mitch McConnell is persona non grata around here, and rightly so, but here is a shout-out for something good that he did; he single-handedly derailed Garland getting on The Supreme Court. Can you imagine how the makeup of SCOTUS would have changed with that dope? He is as much an ideolog as KBJ.

  4. Well, as long as these loyal Party members… say what I want to hear… regardless of what Filth(TM) their (these loyal Party members’) street soldiers are killing… I will be proud to keep buying them picinic baskets. And bullets. And holding those squirmy, not yet aborted, clumps of cells still. As Party perqs.

    I xir, am a Patriot(TM)!

    And smaht.

    Though, surprisingly, fly The Party Approved(TM), Not An “Approved” Party Member(TM), flag.

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