Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm: "We have got to use [high gas prices] … we don't want to be relying upon fossil fuel markets"
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 1, 2022
20 Comments on Our Energy Secretary Says We Have To Use High Gas Prices To Go Green – Sounds Like They Might’ve Facilitated the High Prices
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Quite. And burn in hell.
You know how we used to find fairies? We put tongs in the fire until they were red hot. And we found you and pinched your nose with the red hot tongs. If you turned into a black kitten and went up the chimney you were a fairy. If you died, well you died.
You may think I’m making this up. I’m not.
I still think red hot tongs are very valuable.
Well duh, you know they did. That’s why Biden stopped all gas exploration on day one. Bastard.
TRANSLATION: “Never let a crisis go to waste”.
Bastards. This is either mercenary as fuck, or it’s all by design.
The Boston Strangler comes to mind…
Strangler… yes it all makes sense when you look at it from the perspective of stangling the United States! Strangle out energy, strangle out food, strangle out culture and even the next generation by corrupting our children! Yes they are strangling us from every direction and will leave nothing onthe table!
Edit: our
Praise high gas prices but condemn oil companies for price gouging, so you drain the strategic petroleum reserve to lower prices.
Say one thing but do another. A timeless trait of the human race.
In politics there are NO coincidences.
Gas prices are increasing because of actions by the usurper and his cohorts.
This is NOT taking advantage of a crisis – this is sabotage of the economy, with malice aforethought – which is treason – undermining the United States of America for the benefit of foreign nations and their agents in Congress, the Administration, Wall Street, and Inter-National Banking.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Of course.
It was the plan all along.
Crush small business and the middle class. Make gas so expensive people will stop driving so much. Force the purchase of electric or hybrid vehicles for those who can afford them. Get the rest to get jobs near home.
Yay! Agenda 21!
The “ruling class” and the very wealthy will still be flying around on private jets.
Same ol’ rules for thee but not for me.
It’s like these people are playing a game of oneupmanship on who can be the bigger cunt. They all know they’re insulated from the effects of their shitty policies.
Hoi Polloi: Get back to the Morlocks, when you’re willing to stop insisting that your feelz matter.
rip the engine outta the sumbeech’s limousine & nail a windmill to it – he can drive around powered by his own dipshit ideas!!!
I assume a green crusader such as herself rides a bike to work. Yea, didnt think so
What they (our leaders domestic and international) are doing to us is just plain evil. Ruining our lives, even killing us to accommodate their plans for World Government which will give them free reign to pursue their mad schemes to counteract climate change.
Even Hitler didn’t want to kill everybody. He respected Germans, at least.
If these communists got their green agenda bullshit, that they are screaming about like it’s some emergency and it should be done yesterday, since we have only 12, no, 10, no, 8, no 6, years before the world is uninhabitable (because YOU drive a gas car), well guess what? We’d ALL be sitting in the dark, with no heat, no A/C, no food, no transportation, NOTHING!
Sounds like a wonderful plan. Idiots.
We need to elect only those who have plans to open insane asylums as a first priority. I don’t care what party they align with, this shit needs to stop.
That Canadian cunt tried to destroy Michigan and now is helping to destroy America. Get the rope!
Green is Liberal pipe dream. Fossil fuel is reality, and what we have.
Trash the poorest-the Democrats hate poor people and Americans.