Our Vapid Veep Visits Europe – IOTW Report

Our Vapid Veep Visits Europe

Patriot Retort:

Our vapid Veep who, as I said in October 2020, has the foreign policy chops of a Miss America contestant, went to Poland and Romania this week to embarrass the United States on the world stage.

And while Kamala was over in Eastern Europe giving our NATO allies a first-hand look at her startling lack of seriousness, here in the United States, the White House was briefing “TikTok influencers” on the war in Ukraine.

“Thank God the adults are back in charge!!!”

Sweet merciful Zeus.

Is it any wonder Vladimir Putin didn’t hesitate to invade Ukraine?

If our allies can’t take this administration seriously, why should Putin?

I saw some of the clips from Vapid Veep Kamala’s press conferences with the more serious and substantive presidents of Poland and Romania and I cringed so hard with embarrassment, I reawakened the Lupus flare that hit me on Monday.

But the clips don’t do it justice.

12 Comments on Our Vapid Veep Visits Europe

  1. Actually, she’s about on par with the EuroTrash assholes – at least the Western EuroTrash assholes. Poland and Romania seem to be better run than France, England, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, &c., certainly freer and more inclined to Liberty.
    She’s a perfect fit for England, France, Germany, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, and Italy – they suck, too.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. …that thumbnail of Kamel reminds me of this gal who’s a line supervisor where I work, who is proof that God works in mysterious ways.

    Unlike Kamel this gal is 30ish and has an EXTREMELY hot body, which she is clearly aware of and shows off to advantage to the greatest extent possible under a smock. This would be bad in terms of sins of being a male gazer for a married man like me if the good Lord hadn’t also seem fit to equip her with a very big, very unpleasantly proportioned mouth that IS like Kamels.

    Boom, any attractiveness gone. NOT a nice feature to look at. Big ol’ AOC horsey mouth. You’d think she’d wear a mask over it because she can, but nope, apparently she doesn’t have a functioning mirror or she doesn’t look at her own head, or she’s a Democrat and thinks she’s perfect.

    She is NOT.

    Oh, also she’s a bitch just like Kamel, although more productive and not quite as stupid. That’s pretty unappealing no matter WHAT a woman looks like.

    As it is with Kamel.

    Thank you Lord for protecting me from sin. Nicely played.

    …Too bad it didn’t work for Willie Brown, or we’d ALL be spared the prospect of this unpleasant looking, vapid sounding, disgusting harlot actually being President, and having to watch the world pretend like she’s a functional human being and some kind of leader instead of the moronic cumbucket she actually is…

  3. She is on the mental level of Elmer Fudd, talks like him also:

    I’m gonng get you, you bad bad wabbit, you can’t fool me…

    Why I outta blast ya putin, you’ve been a verwy naughty wabbit.

    So there you have it, Foghorn Leghorn as President and Elmer as VP. A cartoon administration, no wonder the country is loonytoons.

    We are all living in town town wondering how the fuck we got here.

    God help us all.

  4. The whole dog and pony show, complete with Harris, are exactly what the commies have set up. There is no way in hell that anyone in America should be unaware.

    And Clowngress should be damned ashamed for giving billions of dollars to countries that don’t even like us!! All while our country is stripped of everything.

    It feels like Biden is having an America Estate Sale from the White House and the people haven’t died yet!

  5. I was nailing libs well into my 30s SNS but finally the gibberish they’d spout out of the rack over took any of their naked appeal. Guess my T had dropped enough to where my brain had a seat at the table.

  6. MMinWA MARCH 13, 2022 AT 11:52 AM
    “I was nailing libs well into my 30s..”

    …I’m a decade or two past my own 30s, and the further I move away from them, the more a comment I read on some random thread makes sense. It was a thread about unintended pregnancies as I recall, and an apparently younger man was saying something to someone about how he wouldn’t be able to resist feminine charms.

    To which the other commenter replied, approximately,
    “I’m 71 years old. If a hot, healthy young woman breathlessly told me she’d do anything I said, I would say “Paint My House”.”

    …That’s about where I am with it, I’m MUCH too tired for all that drama these days, but yes, my house COULD use a few brush strokes from someone who has both their knees in working order…

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