Outspoken Critic of EPA to Head EPA – IOTW Report

Outspoken Critic of EPA to Head EPA

Trump with another encouraging pick. In lieu of dumping the agency altogether, it’s good to see Trump pick someone that thinks Global Warming is malarkey.

So much for Ivanka meeting with Algore.


In yet another controversial pick, according to Reuters, Trump has chosen Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to head up the Environmental Protection Agency.

Pruitt has been a very outspoken critic of President Obama’s EPA, has sued the agency on multiple occasions and has also questioned “the degree and extent of global warming and its connection to the actions of mankind,” having called the “debate … far from settled.”

According to the Environmental Defense Fund, Pruitt previously boasted that he “led the charge with repeated notices and subsequent lawsuits against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for their [sic] leadership’s activist agenda.” Moreover, per Reuters, Pruitt led the charge for Oklahoma in restoring environmental regulatory oversight to the states and away for the agency he’s slated to run.

Pruitt was elected Oklahoma’s attorney general in November 2010 and has focused on restoring more regulatory oversight to states and limiting federal regulations.

As his state’s top legal official, he sued the agency is he poised to lead multiple times, including a pending lawsuit to topple the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, the centerpiece of Democratic President Barack Obama’s climate change strategy.
With that kind of record, we’re sure this pick, like a couple others, will ruffle some feathers on the left.

16 Comments on Outspoken Critic of EPA to Head EPA

  1. Trump’s driving me crazy with these announced appointments.
    He’s surrounding himself with the sort of people we’ve, or I, anyway, have been waiting for, for a long time. What world are we living in?

  2. Maybe DJT met with AlGore to find out what issues were most important to him and the left and used that knowledge to then pick who would be most efficient in destroying their hopes and dreams.

  3. Appointing someone who hates the EPA to head the agency is the first leg of the three-legged stool. If he appoints a Secretary of the Interior who hates the BLM, then a Secretary of Agriculture who hates the Forest Service, mining and oil exploration and development will explode! GO TRUMP!

  4. Voting for Trump was worth it just for the amusement value of this alone.

    If he wants to shoot cafe standards in the back of the head, and bury them in Texas somewhere, I’ve got a shovel.

  5. First cut the budget by 50% then give the remaining 50% to the states along with devolving the EPA responsibilities back to them. Then create a skeleton staffed EPA at the federal level that with the permission of Congress can, on a case by case basis, coordinate cleanup or remediation of a problem when the State EPA can’t react or the problem crosses state lines.

  6. This is exactly what we need — if we are going to keep the EPA. I’d rather have Trump do what he said he was going to do: abolish the EPA. But I guess this is the next best thing. Fix it, make it something that actually benefits the citizens. And fire all the employees, they all are willing to work for tyrants. Replace every one of them, no, replace about 11% of them – at most. Small government.

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