Over 200 Arrested in Kenya Protests Against Tax Increases – IOTW Report

Over 200 Arrested in Kenya Protests Against Tax Increases

The controversial finance bill, currently under debate before the legislature, would raise $2.7 billion for the broke and heavily indebted Kenyan government, with the goal of reducing its budget deficit from 5.7 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to 3.3 percent.

11 Comments on Over 200 Arrested in Kenya Protests Against Tax Increases

  1. You don’t suppose that Kenya’s national finances are in such shitty shape because the govt is full of shitty crooks, do you? Naaah. Couldn’t be that.

  2. Wait….what?!
    Isn’t that how these United States got started, as a protest over taxes?

  3. @President Elect etc —
    The tax protest may well have been the camel-back-breaking straw, but please don’t forget Jefferson’s enumeration in the DoI of that “long train of abuses”.

  4. It’s probably interest payments on their existing debt that are driving the deficit. Wonder how much of their non performing loans our FedRes holds? Not to worry, if they default on the intrest payments the US Gov will step in to make sure our banks don’t take a haircut for stupid and reckless lending. Business as usual for us.


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