owwwch… MSNBC Host Calls Out Bill Clinton On Past Sexual Assaults – IOTW Report

owwwch… MSNBC Host Calls Out Bill Clinton On Past Sexual Assaults

You better put some ice on it, Bill.

Chrissy Hayes has had an epiphany. In the current #MeToo climate, he wonders aloud how Bill Clinton gets a free pass without so much as a little scrutiny into his shady sexual assault past.

Kudos, you damn dirty lib.

Read this account, in light of all we’ve been hearing and reading this last month, and ask yourself if it’s credible.

ht/ all too much

8 Comments on owwwch… MSNBC Host Calls Out Bill Clinton On Past Sexual Assaults

  1. “…..he wonders aloud how Bill Clinton gets a free pass without so much as a little scrutiny into his shady sexual assault past.”

    Ha! Isn’t that simply because he’s a F**king democrat???

  2. WHY Republicans haven’t been rubbing their nose in:

    Teddy Kennedy
    Robert Byrd
    Bill Clinton

    Is beyond explanation. The democrats never miss an opportunity to bash us. The Republicans try to act dignified, but democrats see that as weakness and a bunch of push-overs, and they are.

    …and then along comes TRUMP!

  3. What is “Center Left”, Rachel Maddow’s sister?

    PS: I want ask you guys, with more influence in social media, to expose a Twitter account: SassyGayRepub. He has been taking money from Conservatives, saying that he was in a car accident, which people say it was fake.
    Today I caught a tweet that he posted, it shows that he isn’t a conservative at all, he immediately deleted it (I think he has another account where he poses as Liberal and that tweet was meant to it), but I caught a screenshot. When I asked him about it, he blocked me. People caught him in many lies, but many still believe in him.
    Here are the tweets that I posted:


  4. Bill Clinton … too numerous to chronicle
    Teddy Kennedy … La Brasserie Waitress Sandwich (w/ Chris Dodd)
    Elliot Spitzer … client #9
    Joey Biden … noted pedophile
    Jessie Jackson … adulterer
    Barney Frank … running male prostitution out of his apartment
    John Kennedy … see ‘Bill Clinton’
    Lyndon Johnson … noted philanderer
    Al Gore … “Touch it. Release my 7th Chakra”
    Gary Condit … Chandra Levy’s ‘friend’
    Anthony Weiner … ‘Carlos Danger’ to my minor girlfriends!
    John Edwards … ‘You’re Having My Baby!’ … yeah, yeah, the wife’s dying …
    Mel Edwards … admitted to humping a 16-year old campaign volunteer
    Chuck Robb … LBJ’s son-in-law & admitted naked Miss America massage
    Gary Hart … ‘Monkey Business’ … I dare you to follow me around!
    Gary Studds … Mr. Studd distained bookmarks; he liked his ‘pages’ bent over
    Ed Murray … child sexual abuser
    Marion Barry … ‘Bitch done set me up’ … drugs for sex

    … not to mention all their donor pervs in the ‘Entertainment’ industry

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