Oxford University Press Bans the Words “Pork” and “Pig” out of Obeisance to Muslims – IOTW Report

Oxford University Press Bans the Words “Pork” and “Pig” out of Obeisance to Muslims


It’s like living in an Onion parody of obsequious totalitarian dhimmitude. The words “pork” and “pig” are following the Confederate flag down the memory hole, lest they offend hostile savages:

To avoid the risk of potentially offending a Muslim somewhere, [Oxford University Press] has banned the use of the words “pig” and “pork” from children’s books as it might offend Islamic readers.

Oxford University Press is one of the largest publishers in the world.

Like Muslims, observant Jews don’t eat pork. Nobody ever suggested banning the very words “pork” and “pig” to appease Jews. But then, Jews don’t fly airliners full of innocent people into office buildings full of more innocent people, so there is no need to appease them, or reason for the liberals in charge to worship them.


30 Comments on Oxford University Press Bans the Words “Pork” and “Pig” out of Obeisance to Muslims


    The appeasement of these barbarians is disgusting. How in the hell can anyone not remember what these animals have done throughout history. Muslims are the enemy of all civilized people and nations.

  2. I worked on a huge job for Scholastic where I was to photoshop out offensive imagery to Muslims for MUSLIM VERSIONS of existing Western books.
    Now we’ve devolved to tempering and self-censoring from the git-go.
    What the hell is going on????

  3. If memory serves, Oxford Press (along with Cambridge) prints some very high quality King James Bibles, which contain many references to swine and other unclean animals. I wonder just how far their preemptive inoffensiveness will spread before England falls for good.

  4. If memory serves, Oxford Press (as well as Cambridge) makes some of the highest quality King James Bibles, which contain many references to swine and other Mosaically unclean animals. I wonder just how far Oxford Press’ preemptive non-offensiveness might spread before England falls for good.

  5. That’s, that’s’ that’s etc. etc. all folks! No more mention of pigs, swine, ham, pork etc. will be allowed in order not to offend muzzies. Except for NY teenagers who are reading The 3 Little Pigs in 10th grade as part of their reading assignment.

  6. It’s not that far fetched to think they can pull off banning pork or porcine references from all of society. Our own gov’t has at times banned P, B & J’s from public schools because a small percentage of kids have nut allergies.

  7. Re: pork. Would that be just the noun or the verb as well?

    Re: pig. Would that be just the noun or the verb and adjective, too?

    How else are ya gonna describe that middle-aged moslem woman when the wind blows her burqa off?

  8. If the effin rag heads don’t like pork, got the eff back to the shit hole sand pile they came from where there are no pigs. Ass holes. Time for the students at Oxford to have an all you can eat pork fest right there on campus. Pig wrestling for the dykes. Pig races all over campus. BBQ ribs, smoked ham, sausages, pulled pork. Serve on paper plates with mohamud pictures. Squirt the protesters with pig blood.

  9. Yet you never see any video of an isis member fighting one on one with a non-muslim man of equal build. And I mean without a large group of jihadi goatfuckers standing around with AK47s.
    They are weak cowards, only to be feared by the weak.

  10. I’ve just been reading through their Code of Conduct 2015 and it states, as part of their social responsibilities: “We support universal human rights including equal employment rights, safe workplaces, freedom of speech and of association, and the rights of all to an education.”

    Elsewhere it says in the same document that where a policy is inconsistent with local law, then local law will prevail (damn straight!). So this cannot be enforced in America without a big, ugly lawsuit.

    Even though the UK has no constitution, and despite their idiotic speech laws in existence, it seems it would not hold up there, either.

    I would love to know what their official response to that pushback was, though. Still lookin’.

  11. How else are ya gonna describe that middle-aged moslem woman when the wind blows her burqa off?

    As ugly as a garbage bag filled with 200 lbs of camel crap?

    As ugly as the south end of a north-bound baboon?

    As ugly as Rosie O’Donnell?

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