PA: Pat Toomey announces retirement from Senate – IOTW Report

PA: Pat Toomey announces retirement from Senate


Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., announced on Monday that he will not seek reelection to his Senate seat in 2022 and that he will not run for Pennsylvania governor that year either.

The announcement means that Pennsylvania Republicans will not have their most high-profile politician on any statewide ballot during the 2022 midterms in the critical swing state. Toomey had previously expressed interest in running for governor and was considered the odds-on favorite to be the Republican gubernatorial nominee in 2022 if he chose to run for the office.

“I will not be running for reelection in 2022 and I will not be running for governor,” Toomey said. “I will serve out the remainder of my term.”

The senator added that after his term, “My plan is to go back to the private sector.” more

9 Comments on PA: Pat Toomey announces retirement from Senate

  1. Toomey replaced Arlen Specter, who switched parties to support Obamacare and, I believe, the Porkulus bill. So he was a step up from Specter, but I guess the checks from Tom Donahue have stopped coming since DJT took office, so no point in hanging around DC anymore.

  2. Toomey has all the chits he needs to clean up on Wall Street. Mr. “FREE TRADER” voted NO for the NAFTA replacement bill that cleared out all the industry from his home state of PA. AND he opposed the tariffs that helped bring back some steel and alum. industry to the USA. Oh yah, Toomey is a winner that we DO NOT need in high office anymore.


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