IOTW Report – Page 4233

Rally Envy

Saturday, 22 September 2018, 12:31 Dr. Tar 13

President Trump held a rally in Springfield, Missouri last night. They had to turn away 20,000 from a venue that seats 11,000. Here Former President Obama held a rally last [Read More]


Saturday, 22 September 2018, 11:00 MJA 19

American Thinker: Remember SCUM? In 1967, a seriously mentally-ill radical feminist, Valerie Solanas, self-published the original SCUM Manifesto.  Despite Solanas’s later insistence that SCUM was not an acronym, an ad she penned for The Village Voice used [Read More]

Blasey-Ford’s List of Demands

Friday, 21 September 2018, 23:32 BFH 33

Ann Coulter made me snort out loud with this one: -New demand from Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford: She will testify, but only from a ski lift. She’ll be on [Read More]

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