Michael Wolff Runs Disclaimer With His “Factual Trump Book”
Look at how this turdweasel parses his words in order to pass the blame of his lies onto Trump. What he’s saying is that if his book has lies in [Read More]
Look at how this turdweasel parses his words in order to pass the blame of his lies onto Trump. What he’s saying is that if his book has lies in [Read More]
Breitbart London: The number of people forced to wait long periods in ambulances rose dramatically during the Christmas period, whilst Britain’s hospitals were dangerously full. National Health Service (NHS) figures show [Read More]
John Barton Elliott gets probation for throwing flare at cop car, breaking bank windows. Oregon Live- A 27-year-old man who investigators said bashed in car windshields, shattered a window [Read More]
Ohio abortion provider, Preterm, has taken its pro-abortion message to the billboards around Cleveland. The attempt to normalize the practice of ending the life of the unborn has not met [Read More]
Just as Daniel from the Old Testament was placed into the lion’s den by his enemies, Iranians today are traveling outside of the repressive Islamic state to be baptized only [Read More]
I made a comment on a post by MJA “Watch: Trump Supporters Protest DACA Amnesty Outside Feinstein’s Office“: The talk of no amnesty for DACA until the wall is built [Read More]
Breitbart London: London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s response to the knife crime epidemic overtaking his city has been to issue metal-detecting ‘knife wands’ to schools — but City Hall is not [Read More]
Daily Caller: Chris Kennedy, a Democratic Illinois gubernatorial candidate and nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, claimed on Thursday that Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has a plan to kick [Read More]
The Hill: A federal judge ruled Thursday that the Washington-based firm Fusion GPS cannot block the House Intelligence Committee from subpoenaing the firm’s financial records, according to court documents. Court records [Read More]
Gateway Pundit: Judicial Watch Director of Investigations Chris Farrell went on with Lou Dobbs on Thursday to discuss former fired FBI Director James Comey’s criminal activity regarding the private memos [Read More]
Conservative Treehouse; …”Ever watch those nature documentaries on the cable?” Yeah. “See the one about lions?”… Today we get details about the DOJ deal with Chairman Devin Nunes. Included in [Read More]
Breitbart; Supporters of President Trump protested outside of Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) offices in California against a plan to give amnesty to illegal aliens which would begin with nearly 800,000 [Read More]
When she sees her caretaker coming, Juniper, the rescued red fox, wiggles around on her back to request belly rubs. In this video, Juniper shares an ice cream cone wither [Read More]
He was a San Bernardino Sheriff’s Deputy.
Ben Shapiro, who I guess you can say is “Never Hump,” says, ‘Um no,” when trannies give lame reasons as to why “Cis gender men” are not attracted to them. [Read More]
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