Cory Booker Gives Us All The Gift Of Mockable Pandering This Year
In a tweet that should become a holiday tradition for the New Jersey Democrat, Senator Cory Booker released the words for the “Twelve Days of Feministmas” yesterday. More
In a tweet that should become a holiday tradition for the New Jersey Democrat, Senator Cory Booker released the words for the “Twelve Days of Feministmas” yesterday. More
American Thinker: Teddy’s description of the Chappaquiddick “accident” was enough to convict him of involuntary and voluntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment. Today you can add homicide by vehicle while intoxicated, [Read More]
American Thinker: Venezuela’s Maduro looking for a way out? Tis the season for calling it quits for ruinous socialist dictators, as the exit of Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe this year and [Read More]
Viral eMail sent in by Woody- In 2012 the NFL had an issue with Tim Tebow kneeling for each game to pray, they also had an issue with Tebow wearing [Read More]
Pogo says- I was up at 5AM & channel surfing when I came across this on the airwaves. In the beginning, this movie kind of reminds you of the way the “Progressives” are programming kids [Read More]
The UN’s future headquarters? See details at Earl of Taint
PATRIOT RETORT/ When I was in college, part of the Christmas tradition on campus was gathering in Sky Lounge and listening to Professor McMillan read the Christmas story from the [Read More]
Brutal. She better put some ice on that. Well! Hillary’s little pigeons took to Twitter and were pitching hissy fits! More at the link.
Zachary Jason. If I was writing movie about a creepy, leftist, geek-nerd effete who did nothing but look for crap to complain about in order to make everyone in their [Read More]
Breitbart: Startled residents of southern California and Arizona placed a record number of 911 calls Friday evening after witnessing a strange streak of white light in the sky. Hundreds of [Read More]
American Lookout: The American left thinks pretty much everything is racist and this proves it. Tucker Carlson tweeted out 100 different things progressives claimed were racist in 2017. It’s an [Read More]
FOX: The president of the Baltimore Ravens told fans and sponsors in a letter that its game attendance during the 2017 season has been hurt by players’ national anthem protests. [Read More]
Do you know where Santa Claus is right this very moment? NORAD does. Go See!
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