IOTW Report – Page 5320


Saturday, 18 November 2017, 22:00 MJA 19

Trump Drinks Liberal Tears 😂 SNIP: LSM breathlessly reported on Trump taking drinks of water during press conference.

Florida’s Dem Chairman Sex Scandal

Saturday, 18 November 2017, 19:20 BFH 9

Has anyone heard from Debbie? Frontpage: Will the last man left in the Democrat Party turn out the lights? It won’t be the Florida chair who was forced to resign after becoming [Read More]

AC/DC’s Malcolm Young Has Passed

Saturday, 18 November 2017, 16:45 Dr. Tar 20

The Band AC/DC announced on social media earlier today that founding member and long time rhythm guitarist, Malcolm Young,  died peacefully with his family around him. Young had been diagnosed [Read More]

Fake News matters

Saturday, 18 November 2017, 16:00 BFH 14

MOTUS A.D.- So Colin Kaepernick is GQ’s citizen of the year. That’s like naming Mrs. O’Leary’s cow citizen of the year – it makes sense only if you thought Chicago [Read More]

Soy Boys

Saturday, 18 November 2017, 15:00 MJA 32

Is soy food turning men into massive … *Warning: Un soy-like language*

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