Police Warn Against Dressing as Obama For Halloween
Do I have that right? It says it’s dangerous to dress up as a clown. They mean Obama, no?
Do I have that right? It says it’s dangerous to dress up as a clown. They mean Obama, no?
I’ve read too many official versions. It’s the ankle…No it’s the toe! She fell! No, she tripped! Whatever. Now you get to report the story.
What’s interesting is all this seems to prove Donald Trump was right to hammer Hillary on the campaign trail about her dealings with Russia, yet leftist media tried to refute [Read More]
Chaztitty is stuck somewhere between idiot and imbecile, the trans process not yet complete. This is what Cher’s daughter had to say about gun control- “I think we need to [Read More]
Dianny at Patriot Retort follows J.R. Salzman on Twitter, who happens to be a Wounded Warrior Vet. Earlier, he had some insightful things to say about Bergdahl and the 0bama [Read More]
Patriot Retort: Oh, boo hoo. I’m so sick of Colin Kaeperknees. What a whiny baby he is. In his grievance against the NFL, Kaeperknees is actually naming Trump as the [Read More]
Spero: The largest public school system in Canada decided to remove the word “chief” from job titles to avoid offending indigenous peoples. The Toronto District School Board is in charge [Read More]
Spero: When 20 convicts were given the opportunity to dine with Pope Francis during a visit to Bologna, two Italian prisoners saw a unique opportunity. Rather than joining the pontiff [Read More]
Partula snails, also known as Polynesian tree snails, were once common across the islands of the southwest Pacific. Their shells were once used by locals as jewelry. That was until the giant African [Read More]
I want the left to have a collective outbreak of 24 hour flesh eating virus. Story
More and more people are beginning to feel jaded by popular culture. *
U.S. House member Tom Marino (R-PA) had been under consideration to become the next drug czar for the Trump Administration, that was until a slanted hit piece aired on 60 [Read More]
They’re giving a medal to a tumor with a $hitstain wrapped around it. Too cynical? It’s the truth. In what world, sans his cancer, is this guy worthy of [Read More]
The U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) issued a detainer request on the Sonoma County Jail for Jesus Fabian Gonzalez, who was arrested Sunday on suspicion of arson in [Read More]
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