IOTW Report – Page 5379

Sandy Hook Document Dumps

Thursday, 26 October 2017, 17:43 BFH 19

Freedom Outpost- Alleged shooter Adam Lanza weighed only 85 pounds, according to the documents.  This then begs the question of how he was toting all the arms and ammunition that [Read More]

Why Prog Women Think Men Are Pigs—

Thursday, 26 October 2017, 15:58 BFH 17

It’s no wonder liberal women think all men are pigs. They hang out with liberal men who are. — Dr. Milton Wolf (@MiltonWolfMD) October 26, 2017

The Art of Deflection

Thursday, 26 October 2017, 14:00 Dr. Tar 15

Deflection, perhaps the one skill Hillary Clinton has truly mastered. Her expertise was on display yesterday when the former secretary of state declared “The Republican Party is imploding.” More

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