OMG! This is so sweet.
Call it Karma? Payback? Live by the sword, die by the sword? Anyway you want to put it, I love when the Left’s tactics are turned on them.
Call it Karma? Payback? Live by the sword, die by the sword? Anyway you want to put it, I love when the Left’s tactics are turned on them.
The “Lingerie” Football League always felt a little wrong to watch. Now they are giving me a reason, and an excuse, to watch and support them. Turns out they are [Read More]
Lately I’ve been skimming around on Facebook. I did a favor for a friend and while on the site I saw some people I knew, and then from that I [Read More]
DC: Rush Limbaugh said Wednesday Judge Roy Moore’s victory over President Donald Trump’s pick, Sen. Luther Strange, in the Republican Senate primary Alabama was really about the power of “Trumpism.” [Read More]
Meme by RickeyG
Outback Steakhouse, a restaurant that seeks to honor the flavors and cooking of Australia (whether they succeed or not is another story), has caved to the pressure of AB-solute morons. [Read More]
Patriot Retort: Remember one of the complaints people had against Donald Trump during the election? He was too unpredictable. As a result, you never knew what kind of crazy stuff [Read More]
Bye! DC: The acting head of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) will step down at the end of the week due to concerns about President Donald Trump’s lack of respect [Read More]
Somebody is leaving origami butterflies around Seattle with the message “you are not safe” and tomorrow’s date. Nobody has a clue what it means and so far there has been no formal threats reported [Read More]
Ancient Origins- […] Amazingly, traces of Old Norse still exist in the English language today. It is estimated that almost 5,000 basic words in English (almost twenty percent) are [Read More]
Responding to a complaint filed by Boeing, the U.S. Department of Commerce has placed a 219.63% counter-veiling tariff on Canadian manufacture Bombardier’s C series aircraft. The complaint charged that Bombardier was [Read More]
The Advocate- Louisiana State Rep. Kenny Havard, R-St. Francisville, said Monday morning that he wants to cut millions in state tax dollars, exemptions and credits allocated to the New Orleans [Read More]
The happy choice of leaving Minnesota for my homeland of Western Michigan and family was pleasantly apparent yesterday when I picked up my Nephew from school. He proudly wears [Read More]
American Thinker: Chicago is in the midst of a well publicized epidemic of gun violence. As of September 24, 2800 people have been shot in the city, slightly less than [Read More]
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