Check out our friend, Wayne Allyn Root, EPIC RANT on the NFL
You cannot get a bigger NFL fan than Wayne Allyn Root and here is his …
You cannot get a bigger NFL fan than Wayne Allyn Root and here is his …
‘We have been running back and forth for past 10 months, but heard only lies.’ ‘Rouhani, Rouhani, let go of the U.S., and think about us.’ ‘Rouhani, Rouhani, let go [Read More]
The coach and players for the Green Bay Packers have requested that fans in the stadium lock arms during the national anthem as a unified show of solidarity tomorrow night’s [Read More]
DC: The CEO of a biotech company, MaxWell Biosciences, explicitly stated his intention to discriminate against hiring men at his medical startup on Monday. The company, which performs bioengineering and [Read More]
After the seal was featured on The Daily Show, the Jon Stewart vehicle that told mouth breathers how to feel about issues and events, the upstate NY village caved to [Read More]
Who knows what our contestants were thinking when they said these unforgettable answers, but we love ‘em for it! Take a look!
DC: Democratic congressional aides made unauthorized access to a House server 5,400 times and funneled “massive” amounts of data off of it. But there’s nothing to see here, Democrats [Read More]
West Point graduate 2nd Lieutenant Spenser Rapone tweets under the handle “PunkProletarian” using the name “Commie Bebop” has now drawn a formal investigation by the army for advocating communism. More [Read More]
Yesterday, Big Browser went misty over a radical lesbian who labeled proper language use as “linguistic terrorism” and who said she was sexually aroused by trees — and also her [Read More]
American Thinker: Proving that you can’t silence a good woman, YouTube has reinstated Pamela Geller to its channel. As noted on this blog a couple of days ago: A major video archive [Read More]
The feelings I have right now should best be kept to myself because I might write something that gets me in trouble. Unfortunately our best hope, now, is to have [Read More]
[…] they don’t want capitalism. They don’t want the electoral college. They don’t want white people…generally calling the shots. So they have to mobilize minority Americans to be angry,” O’Reilly told Sean Hannity. [Read More]
Daily Caller: Hey, I’m not the one saying it. I’m just passing it along. You may have heard about the “mad pooper” in Colorado who’s been spotted taking dumps on [Read More]
Daily Wire- The lawsuit, filed in December 2016, has gone largely unreported by the media as left-leaning news organizations would rather focus on the recent struggles of Fox News instead. The [Read More]
LifeZette: Megyn Kelly’s summer attempt to create her very own “60 Minutes” was a disaster. The ratings were poor, the show was sloppily put together, and the interviews inspired [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.