IOTW Report – Page 5471

You want anthems? We got anthems!

Monday, 11 September 2017, 3:00 MJA 4

They’re at the  National Anthems Channel. <– Click here and sing along with the anthems of  various nations. Don’t know the words? Make ’em up!

Pink Privilege

Sunday, 10 September 2017, 22:14 BFH 10

A flamingo flock at Busch Gardens in Tampa is led to shelter in advance of #HurricaneIrma — CNN (@CNN) September 10, 2017

Liberal Logic

Sunday, 10 September 2017, 22:00 BFH 18

Michelle’s Big Beaver must have a sixth sense. Out of nowhere he began sending lots and lots of memes that have a tremendous amount of shelf life. If this post [Read More]

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