If it ain’t fake news, it’s the news being punked
ABC broke in with breaking news about a dramatic mountain rescue. Someone desperately spelled out a message in the rocks. “Send Nudes Please.” What they called a rescue by the [Read More]
ABC broke in with breaking news about a dramatic mountain rescue. Someone desperately spelled out a message in the rocks. “Send Nudes Please.” What they called a rescue by the [Read More]
I needed to update my CV so I did it all through google autocomplete and soon I will have every job pic.twitter.com/pjCBtUhtmw — TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) June 29, 2017 Should we [Read More]
Newsweek editor Evan Thomas famously said that slanted lefty news bias can be worth up to 15 points in the polls. Remember, Thomas is a lefty, in the media, so [Read More]
Newser- Will Ferrell, the former Saturday Night Live stars’ gambling comedy burned down. The House opened with just $9 million, one of the worst openings of Ferrell’s career. Your career has changed as well. All [Read More]
This is the crap cops have to deal with. I’m sure there is someone out there complaining about excessive force, or whatever. Video here. Watch out- he’s definitely naked.
No matter what Trump does we can simply point at Bill Clinton. There was a time when Bill Clinton was called unpresidential for playing the saxophone on TV. https://t.co/CzljzbxrKH — [Read More]
We once could be proud of our edumacational system. But no longer because of Trump.
You’re being reeducated and commanded to start dating trannies. if you don’t there is something wrong with you. More at Twitchy
Obama warns Americans about too much patriotism — on July 4th weekend! Lay back and think of globalization. The Guardian reports: The former US president said some countries had adopted “an [Read More]
This could have ended differently. But it ended this way— An armed society is a polite society — Bad Brad
FOX: A 12-year-old boy in California was disheartened when he visited his grandfather’s grave on Veterans Day two years ago. The graveyard was devoid of flags or flowers on any [Read More]
Another indicator for the hierarchy of victimhood: Palestinians outrank Democrats. But, but, Michael Knowles’ Reasons to Vote for Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide blank book [October 2016] wasn’t removed. – Lazy and Inquisitive [Read More]
New York Times Editors Decry Layoffs, Sex Increases Life Span, Bill Clinton A Medical Anomaly, and a Transgender Feud Leaves One Dead. Read more
This is bad optics. If the beach is closed to the public it doesn’t become a private beach for the elite ruling class… or does it? Christie was staying at the [Read More]
Lennon’s opinion, that The Beatle’s were bigger than Jesus with teenagers, caused a huge backlash at the time. It wasn’t enough to sink them, but it caused a stain. Now it’s [Read More]
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