Hoaxists and Staged Event Conspiracy Theorists Are At it Again
This is what these pinheads are saying was a “hoax” and “staged.” In my fantasies these morons have a crisis, maybe terrorists are trying to break into their house, and [Read More]
This is what these pinheads are saying was a “hoax” and “staged.” In my fantasies these morons have a crisis, maybe terrorists are trying to break into their house, and [Read More]
Breitbart: Former NFL coach Tony Dungy recently noted that Colin Kaepernick is now just as toxic to the NFL as dog abuser Michael Vick. Still finding himself without a team [Read More]
Breitbart: The wife of disgraced former New York congressman Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin, has finally filed for divorce on the same day he plead guilty to charges of sexting a [Read More]
They love him, they really love him. They must. Everyone is holding a sword and he walked through the gauntlet unscathed.
Hey, JEB!, Stop Running for office. [This image is not photoshopped. This is all JEB!] LAS VEGAS, Nevada — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, the failed onetime GOP [Read More]
Does my eye spy a “Boob Belt” on the First Lady? I’m not making fun of her. I’m just surprised that Melania can make a Boob Belt look good! LOL! [Read More]
The good news is, these kids do not take these “adults” seriously. When the city of New York carts in these mental cases in order to “educate” children about transvestites [Read More]
There is a class action case against the DNC in general and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-D) in particular that is pending right now. The involved parties are awaiting a ruling by [Read More]
Business Insider Journalists’ brains show a lower-than-average level of executive functioning, according to a new study, which means they have a below-average ability to regulate their emotions, suppress biases, solve [Read More]
Released just this last week, Planned Parenthood rolled out its argument to keep its death clinics “unlocked.” Utilizing the talents of big time Hollywood director Josh Whedon (Avengers, Buffy the [Read More]
The WETback DREAMER, or Wet Dreamer® bfh, Eric Cruz-Lopez, was arrested after vandalizing the University of Connecticut with anti-Trump graffiti 103 times, resulting in over four thousand dollars worth of [Read More]
Remember when Obama wanted absolute definitive proof Osama Bin Laden was tucked away in a blockhouse in Pakistan? The CIA set up a vaccination effort in the neighborhood and sent workers [Read More]
KCENTV: Michelle Martinez took a chance and punched her way out of an armed robbery early Thursday morning. Now, she and her family are living on edge in a Dallas [Read More]
The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release May 19, 2017 President Donald J. Trump Proclaims the Third Saturday of Each May as Armed Forces Day. ARMED [Read More]
Anderson Cooper, the CNN host, is becoming one of the most overreaching, out-of-control hosts on the air – wishin’ and hopin’ and thinkin’ and prayin’, plannin’ and dreamin’ each night [Read More]
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