Daddy Long…. uh… Leg
Frozen forever in Amber. I heard he should call his doctor… More
Frozen forever in Amber. I heard he should call his doctor… More
From the VERY ESTEEMED Health Care EXPERT C Steven Tucker. STOP LYING that Trump is for SINGLE PAYER. It’s NOT TRUE! FB link here Just another housekeeping note. Another way [Read More]
TheFederalist: Rather than looking to the cult of celebrity for fashion icons, millennials need a modern muse to awaken in them a desire for a sense of genuine style. “Does [Read More]
Pictured: Worthless Parasites, Rapists, Inbred Savages, Future Criminals and Cowards That Abandoned Women and Children in Their Home Country. Yes, I said it. Now lock me up Obama. Breitbart: The [Read More]
The NAACP president in Arizona (who is white??), Don Harris, made a remark about the reporter below to another reporter. After his 2 word remark he was forced into resignation. [Read More]
You might remember that in December, I traveled to New Hampshire to cover four town halls: those of Jeb Bush, Lidsey Graham, Chris Christie, and Ben Carson. Well, with the [Read More]
Obama has started to develop a facial tic that is pretty gross. He usually reserves it for when he’s faux crying, but now he’s doing it all the time – [Read More]
The peer to peer Chinese lender, Ezubao, insinuated it had government connections in order to become one of the biggest online investment platforms in China.
Saying you have no spare change isn’t going to work with this guy. WHY?
By Meerkat and his sister -We will actually bend and pick up pennies -Bronchitis will be considered fatal and therefore uncovered -The first Tuesday in November will be celebrated as [Read More]
After getting about 1% in Iowa, Rick Santorum is calling it quits.
PickeringPost: […] Some may say, who cares that is overseas? We all need to care because some of things are happening here in Australia and divisive public figures like Ms [Read More]
breitbart- Former head of ZDF Bonn Dr. Wolfgang Herles make the remarks during a radio event (from minute 27) in Berlin where journalists discussed the media landscape. Moving on to the [Read More]
How is this any different from what he sounds like talking about policy? Answer: It doesn’t. That’s why they hired him. They said, “be yourself, you old befuddled, doddering moron.” [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.