True-Duh’s Canada creates Trigger Warning Hotline
Breitbart Tech: The Liberal Canadian government, led by Justin Trudeau, has again made a mockery of itself.
Breitbart Tech: The Liberal Canadian government, led by Justin Trudeau, has again made a mockery of itself.
CainTV: […] So, during a recent State Department briefing, the AP’s Matt Lee decided to ask the administration about the foreign policy “fantasyland” in which it lives. The answer is [Read More]
IndependentSentinel– Our new BFFs in Cuba received a Hellfire missile from the US. No one knows how they got it and some suspect espionage. It was being shipped to Florida [Read More]
For the second straight day @SecretService agents blocked reporters from asking @HillaryClinton questions — this time California (1/4) — Ed Henry (@edhenry) January 7, 2016 Story Here
NiceDeb: Last August, when it became known last that emails from the intelligence community were somehow making it onto her personal server, more than a few of us wondered, Did Someone in [Read More]
Ya, so do I. Hemorrhoid cream and Efferdent. He says he hasn’t thought of a name, perhaps Bernie’s Yearning. Um, how about “You eventually run out of other people’s ice cream?” [Read More]
Not all Syrian refugees have ties to ISIS, but there’s enough. How many Muslims carried out the worst atrocity on American soil? That’s right, 19. So, stfu and sit down. You’re [Read More]
ht/ kpark
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Mark my words, Jim Kenney has skeletons, and when you’re this much of an a-hole those skeletons make it to the light of day. Ask Anthony Weiner. Here’s a profile [Read More]
Two Hamas-linked men from East Jerusalem have been indicted for plans to make explosives and plot to detonate bomb under stage on which Netanyahu spoke. Story at YNET
NYPost: Hillary Clinton is waging the most sexist campaign in the history of presidential contests by showing up, dumbing down, girling up, and pretending that her husband’s sexual indiscretions — [Read More]
Breitbart: Vietnam is preparing to deploy the first of six Kilo-class submarines purchased from Russia into the South China Sea, as a deterrent to China’s seemingly endless expansionism in the [Read More]
From Bill to Hillary, transparency is not thy name. There are still 200 pending requests of the state department from when Madeline Albright was secretary of state. Albright says of [Read More]
LI: At a time when tensions in the Middle East are rising, it is perhaps a time to once again review President Barack Obama’s qualifications for office. To be sure his [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.