Obama Referred To Himself 76 Times During Gun Speech
It’s all about Obama all the time. So it’s no surprise that President Obama referred to himself 76 times in his 33 minute speech on gun control.
It’s all about Obama all the time. So it’s no surprise that President Obama referred to himself 76 times in his 33 minute speech on gun control.
Yeah, these guys here. pfft.
Video Here See Ted’s plan to stop illegal immigration at FixOurBorder.com h/t C Steven Tucker
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SharylAttkisson: Petraeus testifies to the Benghazi Committee this Wednesday. The following day, Charlene Lamb, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Programs for Diplomatic Security testifies. State Department diplomats who [Read More]
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ConservativeReview: I really enjoy writing my “This Week in Big Government” columns at Conservative Review. Keeping you informed of serious stories involving the expanding power of government, which receive minimal [Read More]
Safety and security, as provided by the government, is an illusion. – YoungCons ht/ Sam S.
Jihad Watch: BERLIN — German police has described a series of sexual assaults against women in Cologne on New Year’s Eve as “a completely new dimension of crime.” Officers received [Read More]
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