NYT Runs First Front Page Editorial Since 1920 – And the Reason Why Should Concern Americans
The NY Times Goes Full Gun Grabby
The NY Times Goes Full Gun Grabby
Patriot Retort: There’s a scene in the great WWII film “The Dirty Dozen” where the men are training on rope climbing. One of the guys — I think it’s Trini [Read More]
ht/ magnum via Moonbattery
NationalSecurity: The shocking sight of journalists storming into the apartment of the San Bernardino terrorists, less than 48 hours after the attack, was apparently allowed by the FBI, which handed [Read More]
Compare and Contrast How The Candidates Responded to San Bernardino Shooting.
EAG: SYRACUSE, N.Y. – To look at the top salaries in the Syracuse school district, one might assume that the vast majority of students are receiving a pretty good education. [Read More]
ht/ petrus Young Cons The moron, an employee of al-jazeera, is trying to apologize on Twitter saying that he meant it would be offensive to her family who is not on [Read More]
One woman stabbed another during a fight at world-famous Art Basel Miami Beach, causing at least one patron to think he was watching performance art. NSFW- Bloody photo included.
Rand Paul Jeff Sessions Mike Lee David Vitter John Barrasso Mike Enzi Mark Kirk Jerry Moran Richard Shelby Ted Cruz Story@ RefugeeResettlementWatch:
2,235 homes, Seize 334 Weapons, Arrest 232 Suspects. Breitbart: In the intense two-week period following the horrendous November 13 jihadist attacks in Paris, French counterterrorism forces have already raided 2,235 [Read More]
Carly Fiorina says to the Morning Shmoes that the ATF has stated that guns Farook used in his Muslim terror attack were bought by a police officer. This is likely the unnamed “acquaintance” yet [Read More]
(Reuters) – Robert Loggia, the gravelly voiced character actor who danced with Tom Hanks on a giant floor keyboard in “Big,” fought aliens in “Independence Day” and trafficked in drugs [Read More]
[Breitbart] Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson argued that if one of the perpetrators of the San Bernardino attack passed background checks, that should end the conversation” about Syrian refugees [Read More]
NYP_ The California terror couple had an Allah-praising sticker slapped on a dresser drawer in their town house that traces back to a Muslim organization with headquarters in Queens, The Post [Read More]
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