Did You Know???
Here’s yet another music thread, but I think you’ll like it. People can show off their “inside baseball” knowledge of music. Be sure to drop your tidbits into the comments. [Read More]
Here’s yet another music thread, but I think you’ll like it. People can show off their “inside baseball” knowledge of music. Be sure to drop your tidbits into the comments. [Read More]
ht/ kpark
Lou Dobbs takes House Speaker Paul Ryan to task over his recent comments aboutDonald J. Trump and the 2016 GOP field, arguing that Ryan is proving worthy of his predecessor [Read More]
That’s only one less than Michelle, and two less than Putin… and one more than Barack, and will be the same amount as Bruce Jenner’s for a minute or two. [Read More]
PatriotRetort: If you’re hoping to get my thoughts on tonight’s Democrat Debate, sorry to disappoint you, but no I’m not watching it. I’m not particularly interested in hearing tonight’s episode [Read More]
This is bold. This is cynical. This is powerful. This is frightening. Artwork is a barometer for the temperament of the people. I think civil war is not a farfetched [Read More]
Should our marines be required to open doors for fake characters? I guess so. They’re required to open doors for Barry Soetoro. Welcome to the @WhiteHouse, R2-D2. #StarWars pic.twitter.com/LVJZereiUh — [Read More]
BreitbartTech: Feminists have chased away one of Britain’s finest scientific minds. Sir Tim Hunt, the Nobel prize-winning scientist who was forced to resign from an honorary professorship at University College London [Read More]
Ted Cruz reads classic Christmas books to his family. The stories have been changed a bit to annoy the guilty. h/t C. Steven Tucker from Twitter
What do you feed a fifteen-year-old who stands 7′ 6″ and weights only 184 pounds? Two lbs of pasta a day. Oh, and the ball. More
The Scourge of the Landrieu Family Continues.
PatriotRetort: You know, a lot of rabble-babble is going on lately trying to paint Ted Cruz as a supporter of the Gang of 8 Amnesty bill. I’d love to say [Read More]
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