IOTW Report – Page 6963

Ted Cruz Loves The Princess Bride

Tuesday, 15 December 2015, 2:00 BFH 28

Ted Cruz can recite every line of the movie The Princess Bride. Here he is doing some- But one of the stars of the movie, Mandy Patinkin, suffering from Cruz Derangement Syndrome, [Read More]

Bald Eagle Smacks Trump’s Doo

Tuesday, 15 December 2015, 1:15 BFH 6

The Donald handled himself well with the national bird. The left overplayed the incident, saying, “eagle ATTACKS Trump.” Dipsh!ts.

Trump Has Apparently Evolved

Monday, 14 December 2015, 23:45 BFH 42

Trump needs to publicly apologize to Pamela Geller, admit he was wrong, say she was right, and then he needs to make a yuge donation to AFDI and SIOA. ht/ [Read More]

Trimming the Bushes

Monday, 14 December 2015, 22:15 Dr. Tar 10

The list of the 10 most complained about commercials in Australia is out.   Ad for Shick Hydro Silk TrimStyle  Here  Aussie Commercials Are So Much Better Than Ours  

Donna Carrion

Monday, 14 December 2015, 20:45 Dr. Tar 23

A fashion designer in Boston has come up with an ingenious use for all that road kill that’s  left for the crows; make “chic fur clothing” from it instead.    More

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