IOTW Report – Page 6995


Friday, 6 November 2015, 23:00 MJA 3

BigGovernment– Consumers Mutual Insurance of Michigan has announced it will be winding down its operation prior to 2016, making it the twelfth Obamacare co-op to fail this year. An FAQ on [Read More]

Signs that Endure

Friday, 6 November 2015, 22:15 MJA 25

In an upside-down world where an increasing number of world leaders are selling their populations out, the geese serve as one of nature’s best reminders that some things other than [Read More]

15 Minutes???

Friday, 6 November 2015, 21:47 BFH 33

Within 15 seconds this guy would be assessing his bike damage. This attitude is how Muslims take over a country.

Obama’s War Advisors Turn on Him

Friday, 6 November 2015, 20:15 MJA 11

Barack Obama remains a fortunate president, insofar as the press is still invested in his success. Or, at least, in muting outrage over his failures. Any other American president who, [Read More]

38 Years Of Subsidies

Friday, 6 November 2015, 18:00 MJA 18

WUWT- On April 18, 1977, President Jimmy Carter announced his new energy policy. His speech included the following predictions of a dire future unless we repented of our evil ways: I [Read More]

Bernie Realizes He Lost the Primary

Friday, 6 November 2015, 17:15 MJA 15

CommentaryMagazine: Bernie Sanders probably thought he really had a shot at this. After all, anyone who would proudly call themselves a democratic socialist in the midst of an earnest bid [Read More]

Stabbers for Allah

Friday, 6 November 2015, 15:45 MJA 5

MarkSteyn: The photo at right comes from the “Hitler” menswear store in Gaza. I don’t know whether Hitler himself is running it. If you know your P G Wodehouse, you’ll [Read More]

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