Bernie underwear. Feel the Bern of the Mexican food you had yesterday. Watch More Is there some significance to these being tidy whities, I don’t think the #BlackLivesMatter crowd are [Read More]
Bernie underwear. Feel the Bern of the Mexican food you had yesterday. Watch More Is there some significance to these being tidy whities, I don’t think the #BlackLivesMatter crowd are [Read More]
UPDATE by Czar of Defenestration Did Carson Lie??? Perhaps not. It seems it is Poltiho that is doing the lying. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not good news for camp Carson. He had to [Read More]
Truth Revolt: Drawing Islam’s Prophet Muhammed has been banned in a California school district after 7th-graders were given an assignment that asked them to sketch images related to the religion.
Well, well, well. It looks like Jerry Brown, also known as “Governor Moonbeam” of California, who constantly preaches about “green energy” and climate change, was looking to get himself a [Read More]
Obama Kills Jobs
gcw2015 Derangement —-
Breitbart Officials say that late in September, Roseanne Marie Allocco appeared at Metro Nashville General Hospital and told attendants that she had been raped. She asked doctors to perform a medical [Read More]
What’s Australia gonna do after their Muslims have thrown down the gauntlet? “Requiring schoolchildren to sing the national anthem, and the citizenship pledge supporting democratic values, are a part of [Read More]
Writing for the Huffington Post, Zeba Blay lauded and quoted statements that compared white people to “rattlesnakes” and which said that 90% of white people could be racists. Blay posted [Read More]
In college I read a lot of Camille Paglia… voluntarily. Somewhere along the line I stopped reading her because she’s not exactly a conservative icon. It was a fear, that [Read More]
Crowder lashes out at Trump and Carson. The imitations are a bit too good —
Wash Times – “We know we have human rights, even though our very presence is deemed illegal and our existence alien. Now we have our own Bill of Rights and [Read More]
ht/ bcagee The Extract – A number of state proposals have sought to mandate that all prospective abortion clients view an ultrasound before their unborn children may be legally slaughtered in [Read More]
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