States should use the Compact Clause to guard against illegal immigration
Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution: “No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War [Read More]
Bipartisan effort grows to toughen visa waivers
WaTimes: Visa waivers are the next likely target for a Congress trying to prevent terrorists from entering the U.S. — and a surprising bipartisan consensus is developing about the need [Read More]
Who do we thank for this?
h/t Moonbattery.
Will Paris stay awake?
ParisAttacks Have Many in France Eager to Fight Back AmericanPower: Well, yes, when it really looks like they’re about to kill you and your family, you’ll fight back. Most people [Read More]
EB-5 Gets Another Black Eye – Maybe Two of Them
CIS: The EB-5 program suffered from one scandal last week in California (Chinese Americans cheating Chinese aliens) and maybe another as the FBI raided a major EB-5-supported property in Arizona. [Read More]
“Palestinian” Muslim schoolgirls skip school, mistake 70-year-old “Palestinian” for Jew, stab him with scissors.
Black Pastors to Back Trump
In another move that will defy expectations, Donald Trump is getting significant backing from men of the cloth, specifically,black church leaders: TruthRevolt
Skeptics to host alternative climate meeting in Paris
WashingtonExaminer: The United Nations isn’t the only group hosting a climate change conference in Paris next week. An ensemble of scientists called the International Climate Science Coalition is holding its [Read More]
IAEA cannot conclude that “all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities”
The consequences of Obama’s nuclear deal have not yet become manifest, and probably won’t for quite some time. But it is increasingly clear that they will be catastrophic. – JihadWatch
Still love me?
The bastards had him lying in the road, dead, for hours!!
The real story of Thanksgiving
Watch Here
School says their policy is to support free speech, but not insensitivity
That’s quite a policy. Not that it matters when the statement itself is absurd, but, who is the arbiter of what is and isn’t insensitive? A teacher tweeted her disappointment with the low voter [Read More]
Watching Gavin McInnes dismantle a feminist piece by piece is a joy to behold
strong language warning Quote of the clip (mocking the concept of “permission-based sex)- “Good sex is right on the verge of ‘this is going to court.’” – Gavin McInnes (Also, [Read More]