Clinton Blames Dead Ambassador, Underlings for Benghazi
GodfatherPolitics- […] In her own mind, Clinton probably thought she was showing how “innocent” she is in regards to the deaths of four Americans, but what really came across is [Read More]
GodfatherPolitics- […] In her own mind, Clinton probably thought she was showing how “innocent” she is in regards to the deaths of four Americans, but what really came across is [Read More]
Tries to rescue brother’s campaign by trash-talking Ted Cruz. Politizette: We haven’t heard much from President George W. Bush during the past seven years. After leaving office with approval numbers [Read More]
Though President Barack Obama is currently on a trip to his father’s home country of Kenya, it’s doubtful he’ll be getting together for a family pot-luck with his older half-brother, Malik.
“It’s not a question of if but of when.”
TMZ actually asked the readers “who looks better in the same dress, Caitlyn or Kate?” The comments were overwhelmingly against poor Bruce.
An advertiser has installed a script into our code to spoof that you have a malware problem. You don’t. Your computer is in no danger. We’ll find the script and kill [Read More]
Click ^^ h/t JR
From Barbara Olson’s tremendous book, “Hell To Pay,” pp 138-144: S&L- CATTLE QUEEN OF ARKANSAS “The market was going up dramatically at that time,” Vice President Al Gore said in [Read More]
He loves Castro and Nicaragua, and seems to detest Reagan. Castro gave the kids healthcare and education, what’s not to love? The proof that the Cubans love Castro, for Sanders, [Read More]
Evil times are on the way and the best way to survive them is to be home before dark. CanadaFreePress: A worrisome darkness is settling in over North America and [Read More]
How Clean Do You Want It? GE has dredged the Upper Hudson River at its own expense, but environmental groups remain unsatisfied. City Journal: Last week, General Electric announced that it [Read More]
ht/ Yosoff
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives has organized “KillJoy’s Kastle,” a “Lesbian Feminist haunted house.” ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives is a part of the University of Southern California’s [Read More]
In a sweeping move, Texas authorities subpoenaed the records of five Planned Parenthood facilities and raided their centers in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Brownsville onThursday.
How can you file charges against someone when you’re running the risk of them pointing back at you and yelling to everybody, “OBAMA TOLD ME TO DO IT!!!!!”? Story ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.