I’m Liking Crowder’s Bernie Imitation
It’s a little Gilbert Gottfried, but it gets the essence down nicely. Informative and funny – my favorite formula.
It’s a little Gilbert Gottfried, but it gets the essence down nicely. Informative and funny – my favorite formula.
ANSWER: BECAUSE THEY ARE LEFTIES!!!! Live by the delete, die by the delete. Media Equalizer- Seeing their comments repeatedly deleted by CNN, Bernie Sanders supporters are hopping mad today. Already [Read More]
Funny or Die did a not so funny video, like they normally do, where they dress a black kid in white face. Why is that cool? Especially when the video [Read More]
Newser Sean Mace—on vacation after losing his job in Washington—was napping under some trees in a San Francisco park while waiting to watch the Blue Angels perform when his skull [Read More]
Dead Mouse Found in Subway Sandwich in Oregon. A Subway customer says he found a dead mouse in a sandwich at a restaurant on the Oregon coast. Matt Jones says [Read More]
The Blaze- A teenager is threatening to sue his high school principal over the claim that he was banned from hanging pro-life posters, charging that his First Amendment rights have [Read More]
FOX: SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California corrections officials on Tuesday dropped a plan to include prisoners with violent backgrounds in the nation’s largest and oldest inmate firefighting unit, a day after [Read More]
KIC 8462852 is emitting some rather strange light patterns. Astronomers have been observing the star for 6 years now and they’ve found dips in its light below levels that happen [Read More]
Stone Mountain, in Georgia, is often regarded as confederate hallowed ground. That’s why there’s been a proposal to sandblast off the carvings of Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee, because, [Read More]
This is terrible! Who could have seen this coming? Who, I ask, WHO?!?!? NBC- A woman and her young daughter were using a bathroom in the Potomac Mills Mall this weekend when [Read More]
If the Conservasphere Had an MVP Award it Would Go To …
AWD: By now, even the low-information voters (aka Democrat voters) know that one doesn’t have to be a member of Congress to be Speaker of the House. What insight the [Read More]
A Columbia Professor of linguistics, American studies, philosophy, and music history believes it’s time to stop calling girls and boys “she” and “he.” Instead, Professor John McWhorter believes that people [Read More]
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