Huge Stain On Trump Platform
Trump is a supporter of Kelo v. New London, a Supreme Court decision that is horrendous. Trump keeps saying that Kelo is eminent domain, “which is wonderful.” Kelo is not eminent domain. [Read More]
Trump is a supporter of Kelo v. New London, a Supreme Court decision that is horrendous. Trump keeps saying that Kelo is eminent domain, “which is wonderful.” Kelo is not eminent domain. [Read More]
Hey, it’s China, we should be glad they didn’t use her as burger meat. [I hate the media] Story Here
BigGovernment: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s operatives are digging up dirt about her potential primary challenger, Joe Biden, and leaking it to the press.
The Federal Reserve has been looking at the social implications of an individual’s credit score and have discovered a strong correlation between success at marriage and how closely the couple’s [Read More]
I read the piece. It talked about his father standing in the doorway of his boyhood home in Indiana while the KuKluxKlan marched down the street. So, this fear is [Read More]
The quest for Hillary’s e-mails just became more complicated with the discovery that the firm originally hired to maintain her private server, Platte River, used another firm to store her [Read More]
The balding crooner, who sings like Jose Jiminez getting a prostate exam, says he won’t sing at Trump casinos anymore. Can Trump bankruptcy be far behind? Why is this moron [Read More]
‘WHO WILL PROTECT US?’ BretibartLondon: A short film has been released documenting the distress and sense of betrayal felt by Syrian women and families, abandoned by the men who have [Read More]
LZ: The Ten Commandments monument that caused controversy in Oklahoma has been surreptitiously removed from the state capitol grounds under cover of darkness.
BigJournalism: On Tuesday, CNN media reporter Dylan Byers said Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s choice to skip not one, but two critical Senate votes funding Planned Parenthood is a “sticking point” with conservatives fed up [Read More]
Conservative Intel: House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy faces significant opposition in his quest to replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House. Reports say the House Freedom Caucus holds the [Read More]
The pendulum has swung so far left that it is inevitable that conservatism becomes attractive to the youth who need to subvert the establishment. video Also from Paul Joseph Watson- [Read More]
BigGovernment: David Jaques, the outspoken publisher of conservative paper The Roseburg Beacon, took to Fox News on Monday night to continue to make his case that President Obama is not welcome in [Read More]
I want to see Bernie For Christians. That’s more important than the reverse. There will always be the oddball group, like, Jews For Hitler. Hitler For Jews would have been a [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.