Government Accountability Office (GAO) using official Department of Justice data ANOTHER ONE AFTER THE JUMP –
Solar Powered Chicken Coop
One might think a solar powered chicken coop is a goof, like a two story outhouse, but thanks to the largess of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it’s a reality.
2011 – Donald Trump – “There’s a Muslim Problem”
Are there any other candidates willing to stand up to Islam in a bold way, a way that will make lefties cry? I want that president. Whoever he or she is, [Read More]
ICYMI: Yeb Bush was a director of foundation that funneled money to Planned Parenthood
“Pro-Life” Jeb! Bush Was a Director of a Foundation that Funneled Millions to Planned Parenthood Wizbang- Jeb Bush likes to focus on what a pro-life guy he is. He talks [Read More]
Blast from the past: Joe Biden Top 10,000 Gaffes
Adulterers Get “Controlled Burn”
Michigan State Representative, Todd Courser (R) came up with a terrible ploy to hide his infidelity with fellow State Rep. Cindy Gamrat (R). He was going to put out a [Read More]
Popcorn Moment – When #BlackLivesMatter Keeps Socialists From Seeing Their God, Bernie Sanders, Temperatures Rise
Click for video^ Seattle socialists, eager to hear their rumpled god, had to endure SJWs commandeering the mic like Kanye West. The socialists weren’t happy, yelling epithets at the BLM activists. [Read More]
Sanger’s Bust Gets Busted
The Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery in D.C. has received a request by a group of black pastors to remove the bust of Margaret Sanger from their exhibit titled “Struggle [Read More]
Who is This Moderator on Redstate known as Bill S.?
I went over to Redstate, the site holding the event that rescinded Trump’s invitation, to read the comments and it looks like the aftermath of a tornado. This Bill S. guy [Read More]
Stop me if you’ve heard this one…
The Missing Wife Husband went to the Sheriff’s Department to report that his wife was missing. Husband : My wife is missing. She went shopping yesterday and has not come [Read More]
The Quafecta
Via Magnum in the comments
If Jeb Bush is not nominated, will he pledge to support the GOP candidate?
NewsMachete- A question came up at last night’s debate over whether Donald Trump would support the GOP nominee if it weren’t him. But the same question could easily be asked [Read More]
Robert Conquest: Anti-Communist
Dissident: Some of the most famous intellectuals of the West, including the French writer and Nobel Laureate Andre Gide and American conservatism’s Whittaker Chambers, turned to communism in the 1920s [Read More]
Desperate Suspect Tries to Chew Off His Fingerprints to Avoid Being Identified
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office in Florida recently released one of the strangest, most disturbing video we’ve ever seen – it shows a young suspect trying to chew off his fingertips [Read More]