IOTW Report – Page 7178

Sanger’s Bust Gets Busted

Saturday, 8 August 2015, 20:00 Dr. Tar 11

The Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery in D.C. has received a request by a group of black pastors to remove the bust of Margaret Sanger from their exhibit titled “Struggle [Read More]

Robert Conquest: Anti-Communist

Saturday, 8 August 2015, 17:00 Cardigan 11

Dissident: Some of the most famous intellectuals of the West, including the French writer and Nobel Laureate Andre Gide and American conservatism’s Whittaker Chambers, turned to communism in the 1920s [Read More]

PC Trump

Saturday, 8 August 2015, 12:30 BFH 71

God bless @megynkelly for seeing what we see now. watching socalled conservatives okay with the period joke. Again, once you’re okay with the McCain joke, there are no limits up [Read More]

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