Why Reid’s Accident Story Doesn’t Add Up
A Breitbart News investigation of the home exercise accident story told by Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) and “sources familiar with the incident” has uncovered facts which appear to discredit his [Read More]
A Breitbart News investigation of the home exercise accident story told by Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) and “sources familiar with the incident” has uncovered facts which appear to discredit his [Read More]
He’ll do the same to the country if he makes it to the White House. WCBM___ Taxpayers abandoned his state in droves during his tenure as governor, but that’s not [Read More]
“So no regrets about Mitt Romney, about the Koch Brothers?” Bash asked. “Some people have even called it McCarthyite.” Reid sighed and answered.11 Well, they can call it whatever they [Read More]
GLORIOUS ANNOUNCEMENT On April 1st of this year The People’s Cube will be celebrating its glorious 10-year anniversary. The People’s Hospitality Committee is being formed. Candidacies and ideas for celebration [Read More]
Jeff the Cat walks into a room full of birthday balloons Daily Picks and flicks
Poland has 38.5 million people. There Muslim population is 33,000. Who’s stupid now? Here’s a table from 2011
Mike Rowe, Facebook. h/t Mark
From Earl of Taint: Along with the prestige and occasional glory of being a stand-by auxiliary member of the Professional Photojournalists Guild of America comes a solemn commitment to uphold [Read More]
The People’s Cube: President Obama released a proposal to the masses on this glorious day that all right-wing, gun-toting extremist in this country that are obsessed with the Constitution [Read More]
PJ Media: Only one question remains after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu’s epic speech before a joint session of the U.S. Congress today, and it has nothing to [Read More]
Want to see a stupid bint? This is Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks, a show she co-hosts with the bloated dimwit Cenk Uygur, a guy so stupid he was replaced by [Read More]
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