Bagh Dad’s Favorite YouTube videos
Shoebat What no one in the media captured was Robert Bowe Bergdahl’s favorites on his Youtube account. It reveals a dark mind, a collector of a litany of ‘terrorist favorites’, videos from [Read More]
Shoebat What no one in the media captured was Robert Bowe Bergdahl’s favorites on his Youtube account. It reveals a dark mind, a collector of a litany of ‘terrorist favorites’, videos from [Read More]
A couple of things – This girl/shim, whatever I’m supposed to call it, has won the 2014 Annoying Vocal Fry Competition HANDS DOWN. Does anyone else get the feeling that [Read More]
Friend Mike Shelton on Facebook, And check out his work at POLITICAL BASTARDS.COM .
Hat Tip: JC Lady As soon as our Christian American president hears Bob Berdahl launch into some Arabic, B. Hussein Obama lights up.
Get it HERE .
Found on the innerneck. h/t Doc
ATRS Last week, Michelle “Tamales” Obama penned an op-ed for the New York Times. It’s getting so they’ll let anybody publish something in that rag. Michelle is hopping mad. Yes, [Read More]
Freedom Outpost Sometimes when shady plans backfire, they backfire really well. This was definitely the case on Saturday May 31st in Tulsa Oklahoma, as The Oklahoma Open Carry Association met [Read More]
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CFP I keep wondering what it must have been like to be a young student at West Point listening to their Commander in Chief’s platitudes and ignorance wash over them. [Read More]
For whatever reason, many have never seen their vaginas. So a booth was set up so and the reactions to confronting one’s own vagina for the first time was recorded. [Read More]
Jihad Watch Good thing the Iranians are all moderates now. Imagine what they would be saying if they weren’t. “Iran Threatens to Annihilate Israel if U.S. Attacks,” by Elad Benari, Israel [Read More]
Gateway Pundit BREAKING➙ 5 Gitmo Terrorists Arrive in Qatar “With No Sign They Are – Under Custody” (Video) The five Guantanamo detainees released by the Obama administration in exchange for America’s last [Read More]
As the storm surrounding the VA medical scandal continues to build, Barack Obama is suddenly very, very interested in pretending that he cares about our military personnel. Which is why [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.