Conservatives’ bill would block Obama’s deportation directive
House and Senate conservative lawmakers on Monday began circulating draft legislation that would attempt to block President Obama’s executive action to limit deportations and provide work permits and Social Security [Read More]
Viral Leftist Propaganda Needs A Little Photochopping Rebuttal
Get a pant load of this image that is going viral – My update after the jump—>
Conservative leaders gang up to block Jeb Bush
“Jeb is a very good moderate Democrat,” added top-rated talk radio host Mark Levin. “He’s very boring. He doesn’t elicit excitement and energy outside a very small circle of wealthy [Read More]
Benjamin Watson Gets the Bum’s Rush
We posted the Facebook post by the football player, Benjamin Watson, discussing his feelings about the events in Ferguson. Watson began with some opinions that the left could get behind, [Read More]
Local Gubmint Makes Mistake on Signs – They Just May Roll With It
North Hempstead Long Island officials made a mistake. They printed up a bunch of Pick Up Your Dog Crap or Else, signs. They intended on having it say that the [Read More]
Drudge Report Offline
It’s been offline for quite awhile. The FBI has been hearing chatter about imminent cyber attacks in the U.S. Before anyone thinks we’re overstating this possibility, consider that World Net Daily [Read More]
Is He Trolling or Serious?
Neither. Granny Jan reports that it’s a great rebuttal photoshop. (Original below)
The Mad F-Bomber
Tom Brady appreciated the 3rd down completion by the Packers (that allowed them to run out the clock) in the closing minutes of Sunday’s match up in a very expressive [Read More]
From The American Spectator—There is nothing like watching politicians utter the naked truth. So rare it defies belief. Like Cidinha Campos, the blunt Brazilian Congresswoman from Rio de Janeiro, who [Read More]
NEA spends $35 million on politics
The National Education Association spent more than $35 million on politics this year, including $3.6 million not disclosed as political activity. More at
Rams Player With “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” Gesture Has Lengthy Arrest Record
Kenny Britt is all too familiar with putting his hands up after numerous run-ins with the law during his days with the Tennessee Titans. Story at JWF.
Who Dis?