Palestinian Uber Driver in L.A. Throws 2 Jewish Women Out of His Car – IOTW Report

Palestinian Uber Driver in L.A. Throws 2 Jewish Women Out of His Car


An Uber driver in Los Angeles who said he was Palestinian kicked two Jewish women out of his car after learning they were coming from an Israel Independence Day celebration.

The driver, named Mustafa, asked the women where they were coming from after they sat in the back seat. The women were reluctant to say, but then told the driver after he did not start the car.

Mustafa then ordered the passengers out of his vehicle.

“He started laughing and he looked us dead in the eye and he said, ‘You need to get out of my car. I’m Palestinian,’” one of the women, identified as Dayna, told the Jewish Journal. She said the driver “clearly wanted to make a statement.”



12 Comments on Palestinian Uber Driver in L.A. Throws 2 Jewish Women Out of His Car

  1. That is exactly why I do not use non professional services like transport. He could have easily drove near a hive of Muslims and killed them.
    If Lazlo’s daughter came home with a story like that I would seek out this miscreant and demand satisfaction.
    Of course most ‘Palestinians’ have no honor, being fraudulent Arabs

  2. Either one is a palestinian, in which case it should be IN palestine, or one is an American……..
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. As the line goes, “Life’s tough. It’s even tougher if you’re stupid”. It’s also clearly deadly and suicidal if you’re willfully blind, deaf and accommodating of “multiculturalism”. Even a brief look at W. Europe and many cities here should be sufficient proof to all but the profoundly mentally impaired. I agree with MAJAck.

  4. Dangerous for the Jewish women and this muslim. Never forget ALL muslims have orders from their false satanic prophet to kill everyone who is not muslim. Zero trust of them!


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