Pamela Geller Banned on Facebook – IOTW Report

Pamela Geller Banned on Facebook

Breitbart: Islam critic and American Freedom Defence Initiative President Pamela Geller slammed Facebook in an interview with Breitbart this evening, rejecting their pretenses of political neutrality and urging conservatives to fight back.

Geller’s 50,000-strong Facebook group, “Stop Islamization Of America” was removed from Facebook earlier today, despite being active for over five years, due to allegedly “hateful content.” A few hours later, her own Facebook account received a 30-day ban after she made a post criticizing President Obama for his response to the Orlando shootings.


20 Comments on Pamela Geller Banned on Facebook

  1. Pam is going to win big time on this. She is right about all her warnings. Musloids are going to continue their carnage because they have no respect for, or no fear of, our gay, America hating president. The left is going to pay a huge price for their support of islam and the gay commmie.

  2. you use facebook as a means of mass distribution of your content, but you have to be aware that it is enemy territory.

    It’s a mindset of using it for as long as you can but not being a part of it’s own agenda, only yours.

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