Parent of ‘Transgender’ Teen Warns: ‘We Have to Fight This Radical Movement’ – IOTW Report

Parent of ‘Transgender’ Teen Warns: ‘We Have to Fight This Radical Movement’

“It’s very easy for these kids to get the hormones and start taking testosterone,” she says, noting that Planned Parenthood now administers the hormones.

Breitbart: The parent of a teen girl who is “transitioning” to become a boy is urging the increasing number of families coping with the radical transgender movement to fight back rather than succumb to its ideology.

“It took us completely by surprise,” Kristie Sisson told Breitbart News in an interview. “Because Danielle had a normal childhood, did all of the typical girl things – from dressing up like the princesses, to playing with dolls, to wearing make-up, perfume, and jewelry.”

Sisson says that, in the fall of 2016, just weeks before her daughter – then a high school senior – told her parents she was going to start to dress like a boy, she had taken her daughter shopping for school clothes, and Danielle had chosen girl’s clothing.

The Sisson family had moved from Long Island, New York, to North Carolina after Danielle completed public middle school. When the family moved to North Carolina, the parents enrolled Danielle in a private high school.

“She did have a hard time adjusting, because she just didn’t fit the mold – she wasn’t the tall, thin, blond like many girls in North Carolina are,” Sisson says. “But that’s not to say she didn’t have friends. I think she was well-liked, but hadn’t found that ‘best’ friend.”

Sisson explains that, as a growing teen, Danielle was a little overweight, “curvy,” and somewhat shorter than other girls in her grade. However, she was a good student and worked for the family business – a family entertainment center – where, her mother says, Danielle was exposed to a variety of people and employees of different backgrounds.

Sisson says she noticed Danielle was often “mimicking” other people her age. For example, she says Danielle became good friends with a girl who was a lesbian, and, shortly afterward, told her parents she herself was a lesbian. Then, she became friends with a gender-confused girl who said she was transgender.

“I never told her she could not be friends with either of these girls,” Sisson says, noting Danielle seemed to change drastically in the fall of 2016 when she became friends with two girls at the private school who had begun the transition process to become boys. At that point, Danielle told her parents she wanted to dress like a boy.

“I have three sons, so I know the difference between a girl’s psyche and a boy’s,” says Sisson, noting that there was never a question in their family that Danielle was “all girl.”  Read more

12 Comments on Parent of ‘Transgender’ Teen Warns: ‘We Have to Fight This Radical Movement’


    💢 Turn women into aggressive males. Put them in the workplace, separate them from their children.

    💢 Turn men into passive homosexual beta-males.

    💢 Scramble the minds of kids who are going through emotions, tough times, identity issues, and make them get surgery to mutilate their body, then leading to suicide.

    GET COUNSELING FOR YOUR KID! Don’t you dare let them go under the knife when they hit depressing valleys in life and hang around wackos….just trying to fit in.

    –stupid weak parents!

  2. Push back is a must to save the lives of our children! The challenge we face? A home with two parents – one male and one female – training up our kids. Then there are the courts, Then the politicians. Then the school systems K – college. World view typically starts from the pulpit so we have the liberal churchs to blame for much of this.

  3. Kill as many babies as possible, mutilate as many as possible of those who escaped…They’d likely have gotten the Death Panel franchise, too, if it wasn’t for the meddling Deplorables.

  4. Read the whole article. Scary. Not a parent, but applaud the mother’s efforts to stop this insanity. Also good luck with so many institutions/professions promoting child/young adult abuse.

  5. You have to do your homework because some out there get fooled into sleeping with what they think is a woman when in reality they’re really bangin’ a man. I wouldn’t want to be there when the bad news hits. Right? 😉

  6. “…noting that Planned Parenthood now administers the hormones.” As if selling death and baby parts wsn’t enough of a reason to despise these monsters? Time to STOP all funding of this evil organization!

  7. Yep. Just discovered recently that Yvon Chouinard & Patagonia fund Planned Parenthood. The – Save the Planet and Kill the Unborn, pervert the ones that escape mission statement. Patagonia was already on my ” never buy their products again list”. Now in bold highlight.

  8. I’m not faulting the parent, the poor women might as well have been run over by a bus. However, my son is in a private school, in order to avoid this very situation. I specifically asked about the issue of transgenderism, prior to enrollment. If they ever change their resolve, and my son is in any way exposed to, what the Bible refers to as, “perversion,” he’ll be outta there in a split second!
    I hate to say that I think this young woman is headed for a life of pain and desperation.
    Dear tHeavenly Father, I pray the healing blood of Jesus over this girls mind. Thank you that your love is more powerful than the Spirit of Confusion and the Spirit of Fear that are upon her. Give her family grace, and courage and surround them with YOUR people to lift them up and encourage them. In Jesus’ name, amen.

  9. The poor mom. The child is clearly weak and impressionable. Too bad she isn’t willing to be guided by her own mother who loves and cares for her instead of by those jackals who are only guided by government funding and the next trend coming down the pike. So gross.

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