Parents Blame Elementary School’s Cell Tower After 4th Student Diagnosed With Cancer – IOTW Report

Parents Blame Elementary School’s Cell Tower After 4th Student Diagnosed With Cancer

Back in the mid-80s a government bureaucrat, who had compassion for what I was whining about on the phone, gave me a number to call and a code to cite.

I received a package in the mail that was labeled FYEO (for your eyes only.) It was the results of a decades-long government study on cluster cancers associated with electromagnetic radiation and  ELFs (extremely low frequencies.)

The government’s position was that there was a connection between these radiations and cancer, particularly in children. Their concern was the devastation that would be caused if class action lawsuits were to become successful.

The EPA recommends that you limit your exposure to 0.5 milliGauss to 2.5 mG a day.

There was a time when I was obsessed with my emf/elf meter, riding about town and taking readings. I would find homes that were under power lines that were astronomically beyond 2.5 mG, getting readings that could cook eggs. I’d be depressed for them.

To this day I’m wary of the microwave, I don’t put my bed anywhere near the power meter outside the house, and I don’t put a clock radio near my pillow. (You would be amazed at the ELFs they produce.)

But, I’m open to the idea that it’s not as dangerous as lawyers hope and wish them to be.

That’s my story.


A fourth child has been diagnosed with cancer at a San Joaquin County elementary school, and parents believe it’s because of radiation caused by a cell phone tower.

The towers are spread throughout the community, but it’s this particular one that parents say needs to go.

“We had a doctor tell us that it’s 100 percent environmental, the kind of tumor that he has,” said Monica Ferrulli.

Her son Mason was the second child to be diagnosed with cancer in just three years at Weston Elementary. He was 10-years-old and walked by this cell phone tower daily.

“It’s indescribable, it’s really tough,” she said.

“It’s one of the hardest things that I’ve been through,” said Joe Prime.


ht/ fdr in hell

23 Comments on Parents Blame Elementary School’s Cell Tower After 4th Student Diagnosed With Cancer

  1. Electromagnetic spectrum:
    ELF – 0 to 30 Hz
    AC power in your house wiring – 60Hz
    cell phone bands – 800 and 1900 Hz
    AM radio – 535-1605 kHz
    FM radio – 88 to 108 MHz
    microwave (radar)- 10 to the 10th power Hz
    Sunlight – 10 to the 15th power Hz
    Xray – 10 to the 18th power Hz
    We are surrounded by elecromagnetic radiation, at all frequencies…
    Face it BFH – you’re f’d

  2. AOC uses a microwave oven for a pillow. Her tender timer popped in 2008, which contributed to her mass appeal to those who can pop unpopped corn just be thinking about it. Granted, it isn’t a bowl full. 3 or 4 kernels. Max.

    Yeah. That was unserious.

  3. Remember when our parents told us to move away from the color TV? We sat right in front of that boob tube and watched TV 8 hours a day in the summer. Now we sit in front of our computers, carry a cell phone in our pockets, microwave popcorn or whatever, and think nothing of it. One can become so fanatical about this stuff to the point where you’ll get cancer just from worrying about it.

  4. I only use the microwave to heat water or warm up my coffee. I run out of the room as soon as I press the start button. Anything that makes that sort of noise cant be good for you.

  5. Who knows? Maybe electromagnetic radiation and ELF’s eventually will distort people’s brains to make them think they are, Oh I don’t know, the opposite sex or something like that.


  6. This is a subject that can cause cognitive dissonance in people who believe they are intelligent AND educated. They can’t accept it as reality and are more than willing to have it labeled as conspiracy fantasy. And I am talking supposed scientific minds! It seems that the ability to reason has been wiped from minds, maybe by being surrounded by the ELF waves being denied?

  7. Here’s something of interest for everyone. These 2 mummies from 2000 BC were CT scanned. In both of the mummies, a male and a female, cancer was discovered! Think about what the living conditions were like in 2000 BC. No electricity, no chemicals, microwaves, etc. Tutankhamen’s wife died of ovarian cancer. We just don’t know now do we? Breast cancer 2000 BC? Blood cancer 2000 BC?

    “Studies conducted on the two oldest mummies, which reveal evidence of breast cancer and multiple myeloma – the oldest known cases to date – have enabled researchers to confirm that these diseases were already present in humans in ancient times,” the release said. “The research findings also confirm that these individuals belonged to an advanced society with enough resources to support and care for them throughout the long course of their diseases, at a time when no cures or treatments were available.”

  8. Trubo You link to an article that is total bull shit.

    There’s a reason they call them health nuts. It’s because they are frickin nuts.

    Your book link implies that if you eat meat you are going to get cancer. It’s the same sort of science that is global warming.

  9. Listen, peeps. When the 5G Cellular System is fully implemented, we’re going to cook from the inside out in every major city in America.

    Decades from now, the world will discover that the cell phone (and WiFi) was the cigarette of the 21st Century.

    See ya’all on the other side.

  10. like JETHRO said, if you only knew.
    only the beginning.Always remember
    proximity to the radiator [antenna} X Power in RMS watts
    determines how fast you fry your brain & organs.
    All part of the beast system…

  11. Jethro,
    Minor correction;
    Cell phone – 800 and 1900 MHz

    And FYI, I’m an amateur radio operator, and I’ve worked with and around a variety of radios, receive and transmit, QRP (very low power), low, medium, and high power, over 40 years. And I’m over 66 y.o. So far, cancer free.
    Some actual research and measurements should be done at the cell tower. Anecdotal stories don’t cut it. I don’t believe the cell tower is to blame. Anyone looked at the children’s environment? Do they have their own cell phone? How long? Use mommy and daddy’s cell phone? For how long?

  12. Ain’t buyin’ it. Granddad died in his mid 90s. Raised, cured, smoked, ate meat 3X a day. Had to do something to get that taste of tobacco out of his mouth. Moonshine helped but there just wasn’t anything like home made sausage to get him thru a day on the farm.

  13. Activated after 9-11, stationed in D.C. Had pleasure of meeting another activated person, Electrical Engineer from east coast power company. His employer sued: Unusual cancer occurrence among families living under power lines. Turns out homes near power lines traditionally rented to low income folks who smoked, abused alcohol and drugs, laid about, ate poorly, rarely sought medical advice. When vices removed from equation low income family cancer rates were same as folks who did not live under power lines.

  14. A trusted relative who worked for many years at that
    “agency” which doesn’t exist advised me very
    strongly not to stay for long anywhere within
    1,000 feet of these towers.
    He also advised blocking your “smart meter”
    signal from entering your residence.


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