Parents Told to Stop Serving “Jesus Lunches” – IOTW Report

Parents Told to Stop Serving “Jesus Lunches”

For the last year and a half a group of parents in the city of Middleton, WI have been offering a free lunch every Tuesday in a city park adjacent to the High School.


The event has grown to now 400 or more students attending for the food and to hear the Christian message being offered by those who have organized the event.

This week the school administrators informed the parents that they were to stop providing these “Jesus Lunches.”

The administrators claim that since the school leases the park ground during the day, they have jurisdiction over the grounds and the parents are violating a number of rules on food safety, campus visitation rules and policy on school approved events.


The parents have responded by pointing out that it is a public park, participation is voluntary, they have the necessary permits and have hired an attorney.

17 Comments on Parents Told to Stop Serving “Jesus Lunches”

  1. The School is no longer a welcome, integrated member serving the community nor doe it reflect the community values.

    The School is now a satellite of the State and used to enforce the policies of the State.

  2. Still waiting for cctv videos of the shooters from the building, at least going in and out. Why keep it from us? Unless there is something they don’t want us to know?

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