Paris Attackers Allegedly Used Playstation 4 To Send Encrypted Messages To One Another – IOTW Report

Paris Attackers Allegedly Used Playstation 4 To Send Encrypted Messages To One Another

Sources have told the Washington Times that FBI director, James Comey, is putting on a brave face for the public but is secretly worried that we are losing ground to terrorists domestically. They are bracing for a bad holiday season in the weeks ahead.

Suspects they’ve been tracking have gone dark by using increasingly sophisticated message encryption, like utilizing Playstation messaging abilities (a technique that sources say the Paris attackers used.)

Obama’s push for more Syrians to enter the U.S. is stressing the FBI’s capabilities, especially since these refugees are nearly impossible to research.

It’s all adding up to a perfect storm, a storm of Obama’s making.



15 Comments on Paris Attackers Allegedly Used Playstation 4 To Send Encrypted Messages To One Another

  1. no background checks

    they are ahead of us technically, example ps4, encrypted apps that we can’t crack

    releasing terrorists from our prisons

    we don’t have the resources to track

    no plan to contain here or overseas

    not sure what else needs to be added to the equation to = insanity

  2. The future must not belong to those who slander Islam. Rather, it should belong to those who kill innocent victims by the most gruesome methods possible.

    Thanks, Obama. You are a curse on both America and all the rest of the world.

  3. The fact is, it is not just obama’s doing. It’s every damn lib that votes for him that is complicit in this. We are being set up and half the country thinks bruce jenner and charlie fuckin sheen are role models!

  4. It’s perfect Cloward and Piven. Put maximum stress on the system until it fails, then ride to the ‘rescue’ with your Marxist utopia. When he seems stupid or detached, he’s not. He is relentlessly implementing this strategy, Bill Ayers and Frank Marshall Davis taught him well.

  5. Another thing that has dumbfounded is that most of my family are among the worst of examples of an obama/lib voter. Highly educated, letters after their names, and I have brothers that think I know nothing. A little bit a shit might hit the fan on Thanksgiving. 30 people, 28 libs, coming to my house. Should be fun.

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