Paris, France: Why are you outside? Show us your papers! – IOTW Report

Paris, France: Why are you outside? Show us your papers!

French police increase COVID lockdown checks in Paris.

PARIS, Nov 15 (Reuters) – French police stepped up controls in Paris over the weekend to ensure residents were complying with strict lockdown rules imposed to curb the spread of COVID-19, amid signs that some people were breaching them.

Prime Minister Jean Castex has said people are not abiding by the rules as strictly as during the first lockdown back in the spring.

Police had to break up an illegal party hosting up to 400 people at Joinville-Le-Pont near Paris early on Saturday.

Under the lockdown, in force since the end of October, people must stay indoors apart from trips to buy food or other essential goods, or for a brief hour of exercise. They must also carry signed documents to justify why they are outside. more

10 Comments on Paris, France: Why are you outside? Show us your papers!

  1. No doubt the muslims are going about their business as usual in the banlieues, free from the watchful eyes of the Covid Vichy Cops.

    Remember the Yellow Vests? Protesting the traffic fines and fees, smashing the speed cameras? Seems so long ago. I bet the fines for getting caught out without permission are pretty big.

  2. I think this re-invigorated globalist tyranny is because they all know President Trump will get 4 more years. All of the world leaders knew that the U.S. election was rigged for Hillary in 2016, but the U.S. voters were smarter. They all knew that the 2020 U.S. election was rigged for Biden. Now they’re panicking because the Obama/Biden ‘voter fraud organization’ is being exposed.


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