Paris Protests Continue – IOTW Report

Paris Protests Continue

They’re sick of the Chinavirus testing and passports.

5 Comments on Paris Protests Continue

  1. Lionel Trilling once said:
    Some paradox of our natures leads us, when once we have made our fellow men the objects of our enlightened interest, to go on to make them the object of our pity, then of our wisdom, ultimately of our coercion.

    This is true enough as a stand alone comment, but let us consider who it is that makes it a way of life to make our fellow men objects of their professed enlightened interest?

    How many times I have heard people say: Just leave me or us alone. The subhuman pieces of shit that make up the progressive movement, are incapable of minding their own Goddamned business. This shit would stop today if people would just simply stop conceding good intentions to others who prescribe solutions in which all evidence documents a history of the cure being worse than the disease. One simply cannot be well intentioned and motivated by benevolence when what they are proposing has a documented track record of ultimately increasing net innocent human suffering, misery and death. Particularly when their is not a single solitary example of followers of their worldview having achieved critical mass, gaining power and implementing their agenda.

    All evidence suggests that what the progressive movement wants to implement is the same experiments they have tried on other innocent populations and has invariably lead to massive increases in innocent human suffering, misery and death. It simply cannot be that their motivation is anything other than guided by anything other than malicious intentions. It defies logic to suggest otherwise.

    To fail to recognize this is the dynamic in play and resist them is complicity and particularly when going along with their designs is the rule rather than the exception. Make absolutely no mistake about it, I am talking about the establishment Republicans and to not recognize them as actively hostile to The Good is to conflate and makes a mockery of the dichotomy between good and evil.

    The time to choose sides is upon us and it is being recognized around the world. It is either defeat the bastards or the future world will face centuries of darkness.

  2. Edit:

    Particularly when their is not a single solitary example of followers of their worldview having achieved critical mass, gaining power and implementing their agenda and exponential increases of innocent human suffering, misery and death not following. There just isn’t.

  3. Meanwhile here in America I saw about 50% now voluntarily wearing masks again. Including witnessing a family wearing them in a restaurant at their table while waiting for their food. Insane behavior.


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