Park Jurassic Over Here – IOTW Report

Park Jurassic Over Here

Bill Clinton made Hillary ask Steven Spielberg to help her appear ‘warmer, likeable and less like Thatcher’ – but she knocked a camera over in anger after endless coaching, book claims

Bill Clinton made Hillary ask Steven Spielberg to help her appear more likeable

22 Comments on Park Jurassic Over Here

  1. I’ve heard sweeter sounds from a Pratt & Whitney J75 engine than from Hitlery’s maw (Boeing 707 and former Lockheed U-2 engine).

    What an sociopathic, elitist hag!

    The only person who’s voice I find more obnoxious is 0bama’s–which I can’t stand for more than 3 seconds before I feel like throwing a brick through the Tee Vee.

  2. I don’t get it. Why does she want to be president of a country she hates, populated by over 300 million people she despises, on a planet that isn’t up to her high standards. She is just like Obama – a bitter, hate filled old gash.

  3. If the repubs run Jeb, and I see that today as about 80% probability, Hillary is going to be the next president.

    The ‘pubs DON’T WANT both houses and the presidency. Then they will be blamed for everything. They for some reason actually seem to give a fuck what the media says about them.

    Our national media today are comprised of blatantly avowed leftists. They are the PR division of the democrats.

  4. Cash & power (and probably self-preservation at this point)…it’s what drives her. She feels entitled to this for protecting her sleazy husband’s administration.

    How Bill thought someone could make such a soulless creature like her likable boggles the mind. He spent many years with her and he should have known better.

    When she does pretend to be Miss Likable, you can tell it is an act.

  5. The Gates of Hell will open wide for this beeech when she gets here. I just hope I can schedule a dentist appointment for the day she paddles across the River Styx. 👿 👿 👿

  6. Meh. Overrated movie director and overrated presidential candidate. Seemed like a perfect match to me.

    Hillary hasn’t yet faced the fact that she will be the one to pay for the sins of her husband’s administration and deservedly so.

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