Parkland Blood on Biden’s Hands – IOTW Report

Parkland Blood on Biden’s Hands

AMERICAN THINKER: Joe Biden is reportedly pondering a 2020 run against President Donald Trump, who has been accused of having blood on his hands regarding the high school shooting in Parkland, Florida by, among others, David Hogg, one of the surviving students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, who has become the media face of those pushing increased gun control after the tragedy:

The Republican Party currently controls the White House and both chambers of Congress, while the Supreme Court has a 5-4 conservative majority – something David Hogg, a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, pointed out during an interview with his classmates on Sunday’s “Meet the Press.”

Responding to Trump’s tweet, Hogg said: “How dare you.  You are in that exact position right now, and you want to look back on our history and blame the Democrats?  That’s disgusting.

“You’re the president,” he continued.  “You’re supposed to bring this nation together, not divide us.  How dare you.  Children are dying, and their blood is on your hands because of that.”

Parenthetically, young Mr. Hogg’s mother, Rebecca Boldrick, is an ardent anti-Trumper with frequent Facebook posts sliming our 45th president, one of which has a picture of son David sitting at a CNN anchor desk during a studio tour.  It might be assumed that her son started with a similar anti-Trump bias even before the shooting.

Young Mr. Hogg’s emotional statement notwithstanding, if there is anyone who has blood on his hands because of the shooting at his high school, it is the former vice president, who was the sponsor of the legislation that made Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School a gun-free zone and David Hogg and his fellow students sitting ducks for an armed predator.  MORE HERE

15 Comments on Parkland Blood on Biden’s Hands

  1. Saw this on instapundit

    “911, what’s your emergency?”

    “There’s someone breaking into my house. Could you send the Broward County Sheriff’s Department to water my garden while I kill the intruder?”

  2. Hogg tweeted “How (lisp) dare (lisp) you!! (lisp)”

    This young homo needs a bitch slap. Backhand, half speed, would crumple him into a teary eyed mess. Ive had enough of this little homo already.

  3. It’s understandable that the kids are an emotional mess, and some amount of venting and blaming can be excused. What cannot be excused is how David Hogg is being played by the media, or the fact that he’s likely a willing and eager participant in pushing a gun ban and trashing Trump.

    These children are not leaders and they are not adults and their calls for retribution against those who had no hand in the carnage need to be squashed.

  4. Agree or disagree with the politicians these kids have shown absolutely no respect for anyone, let alone adults. Their idea of discourse seems to shout, slander, and Billy. Its transparent and regardless of personal expirience, completely unacceptable.

  5. I’m trying to educate myself on why it seems some states follow the 1000 foot from schools gun free zones and some do not.

    I’m totally pi$$ed that in Indiana we have to follow that awful law. The ball park in a prestigious town nearby town is connected to the prestigious high school. We can’t carry, because parking is on school property and at the games that go into late evening we are all sitting ducks, especially the kids.

    We never see ANY LEOs in the park.

  6. Dear Master Hogg:

    By jove, I think you are on to something with your “ban guns” crusade. I believe banning things is the way to go because it works so well: to wit:

    1. Marijuana. Banned since 1970, and to my knowledge there has never been any marijuana on school grounds.

    2. Cocaine. Also banned by the Federal government, and of course has simply never been a problem at schools or in society in general.

    3. Heroin. Again, heroin use was eradicated once the Federal government banned its private possession and use.

    4. Alcohol. Banned from 1920 until about 1933. Entire cities, including New York and Chicago were completely alcohol free – and no one not named Capone had any cause to be alarmed about alcohol. I’m still mystified why the country lifted this particular ban.

    5. Prostitution. Ha, ha – as if prostitution exists in our country despite being illegal.

    6. Driving while intoxicated. Against the law, and is now never, ever a problem.

    I could go on and on, but as you can see your teenage solution to these types of things is, and always has been effective. It’s so simple – ban something and it just magically goes away forever.

  7. I think somebody ought to call the local Child Protective Services to have a look at this kids parents and how they’re treating him. There’s no way the kid wrote the “blood on your hands” line as well as the rest of it and from his appearances on CNN (and others) it’s obvious he’s been coached. While they’re at it maybe the FCC ought to have a look at CNN’s license because what they’re doing sure isn’t news it’s become political campaigning which I don’t believe they’re allowed to do.

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