Parkland survivor’s father: CNN wanted families ‘willing to espouse a certain narrative’ – IOTW Report

Parkland survivor’s father: CNN wanted families ‘willing to espouse a certain narrative’

AMERICAN MIRROR: Andrew Klein, father of Stoneman Douglas High School junior Ariana Klein, claims CNN producers were fishing for families to “espouse a certain narrative” at the network’s recent town hall on “gun policy.”

Klein told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham it seemed CNN officials exploited the victims of the recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida to press a decidedly anti-gun agenda, substantiating allegations by others the network staked its recent town hall with gun-control advocates and ignored other opinions.  WATCH

16 Comments on Parkland survivor’s father: CNN wanted families ‘willing to espouse a certain narrative’

  1. Ariana Klein sat to the immediate left of PDT. Her father sat next to her. An extremely well spoken and very respectful young woman. Andrew Klein was HUGE on arming teachers and staff.

  2. CNN: The Clownfart News Network, where the “news” always smells funny.
    As far as CNN is concerned, I´m flying tomorrow. I swear to God if CNN is on at the gate I´m waving my hand around and declaring “it smells like ass in here!”

  3. While I can’t stomach watching the Clown News Network (EVER) I’m told that on their love fest the other night the big brave sheriff took the NRA among others too task. So now we have this one coming out that there were FOUR, count em FOUR deputies that DID NOT GO IN and waited outside while other responders when in…

  4. I have a colleague and friend who is the mother of a junior in that High School and was having math class on the third floor when the shots rang out.

    The teacher was frozen in fear.

    The kid took charge. He went to the front of the classroom, locked the door, shut off the lights and gathered the kids into the safest corner. He also told those that were crying to get ahold of themselves and remain silent or they’d all be killed.

    When the cops came to their classroom (after the all clear) they hollered “open up! Police”. J told everyone to remain in place as he had no way to verify that it was, in fact, police. Cops bashed the window out and J had the kids put their hands on their heads and he led them out of the room. They walked past a dead girl just outside the door and onto safety.

    He’s ROTC and a smart dude. Going to military college.

  5. You know what is pitiful?
    I happened to fly through Vegas this week and Mandalay Bay casino, is still under shroud physically as of Wednesday when I saw it. All facts remain under a shroud also.

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