Parody of National Review Not Far Removed From Reality – IOTW Report

Parody of National Review Not Far Removed From Reality

Trust me, it is getting strange out there. Some of the more fervent *#NeverTrumpers are already convincing themselves that Trump is worse than Hillary. I see them on Twitter.

American Thinker-

National Review Endorses Hillary Clinton


This magazine has frequently differed with the Clintons and their philosophy of social levelling and judicial activism, their radical anti-life policies and their support, pace Bill Clinton’s famed State of the Union Address, for big government activism. We have also been stalwart critics of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s less than stellar handling of international crises in Northern Africa and the Middle East and her comical “reset button” which at best was an encouragement for increased adventurism from Putin’s Russia.

But conservatism properly understood goes beyond the dichotomy between socialism and the free market or between libertinism and Judeo-Christian values. Conservatives seek to respect and maintain the enduring elements of the past and are averse to sudden, radical change for any ideology. Whatever the blemishes on Hillary Clinton’s record and character have been, no one has called her brand of governing “disruptive.”

Our 11 million undocumented employees will not, under Hillary, be threatened with deportation. Radical solutions for preserving Western Civilization by taking the unprecedented step of recognizing Islam as the source of Islamic terror will not be the modus operandi of the Clinton II White House. Productive relationships between interest groups and governing entities will not be decimated by paving over K Street to make way for a new factory for under-educated workers.

We consider that three or even four Supreme Court Justices chosen from the ranks of fanatical social justice warriors will be a small price to pay for these preservations of our past and present.


  • Glenn Beck – Chill out, the Constitution will survive
  • David Boaz – Finally ramming comprehensive immigration reform down their throats
  • L. Brent Bozell III – Hillary might walk with us if we ask her nicely
  • Mona Charen – We aren’t going to have access anyway, so go Hill!
  • Ben Domenech – Hillary will embrace our Madisonian inheritance and reject Obama’s authoritarianism
  • Erick Erickson – I wanted to be in this issue too
  • Steven F. Hayward – Searching for Hillary’s inner Reagan
  • Mark Helprin – At least Hillary knows who Brittany Spears and Ozzy Osbourne are
  • William Kristol – Never known Hillary to be vulgar


Read more 

*Remember, NeverTrump people are not necessarily Cruz backers. NeverTrump comes from all angles.

ht/ Jerry Manderin

26 Comments on Parody of National Review Not Far Removed From Reality

  1. The best part of the AT piece was the list of 22 writers & the titles of their imaginary articles, my favorite being the one for Thomas Sowell. It is sad, however, as you said, how close this parody comes to the #NeverTrump crowd’s actual mentality.

  2. Which liberal democrat pushed the most recent massive entitlement -Medicare drugs – through? Which liberal democrat created the boondoggle incompetent agency TSA? Which liberal democrat pushed through the Patriot Act which strips citizens of several constitutional, God-given rights? Which democrat party nominated the open borders amnesty activist McCain for President? Which democrat party nominated the father of the single payer system for President in 2012?

    These people pretending to be the keepers of the conservative flame crack me up.

    Conservative doesn’t mean what they think it means.

  3. To the GOP establishment and the rest the globalist elitist .05%ers (you know the ones who control most of the media including the “conservative” media like National Review, Hillary is way better than Trump.

  4. If you’ve accepted TheDonald® as a conservative, then of course, you wonder why would anyone not vote for him if he’s the nominee.
    If you know that TheDonald® is at best, a NY RINO, then you have to wonder if there is any real difference between him and the Senators he donated thousands to.
    I don’t see a whit of difference between him and her–they both are liberals and have been all their lives.
    Living in NY, I’ve had the opportunity to read of TheDonald’s ® antics for decades and haven’t liked him since way back when. He reminds me of George Steinbrenner, another full of himself millionaire who thought he was beyond reproach.
    Someone cue BB–time to attack me!

  5. The GOP Establishment Machine may in part vote Hillary, but it won’t surprise me if they – “unexpectedly!” – run a Third Party puppet.


    *I* won’t “attack” you, guvambulancechaser,
    I’ll just ask you to off yourself when Trump wins.
    Save Canada the trouble, along with Lena and Rosie.

  6. I don’t get it. Trump is saying all of the things we have wanted a candidate to say forever–toughen borders, build a wall, stop using our best and brightest soldiers as cannon fodder for everyone else, bring business back by toughening trade rules, punish Hillary and cronies–my goodness WTF do these assholes want? Listen up Levin, Bozell, Erickson–WE DON”T HAVE THE LUXURY of deciding who is ideologically “PURE” enough for you bunch of soft pasty white lumps–we WORK we PAY TAXES–we are on the fucking front lines of saving this country so FUCK OFF. Let the voters decide, not you Beltway bastards.

  7. listingstarboard;
    Trump is saying all the things YOU want a candidate to say.
    Perverts should have legal protection to be in women’s bathrooms.
    Our military should be forced to break the law and kill innocent women and children at Trumps direction.
    The rich should pay more taxes.
    Illegals should be granted amnesty if they fill out a form.
    I.D. nor a visa should be required to enter the country at a border crossing.
    Healthcare should be single payer and run by the federal government.

    Want more for your next list of the great things Trump says that you want to hear?

    as they say on Capitol Hill:
    “Ya think yer gonna have yer job next year? I’ll see to that.”


    TO Listingstarboard

    Pay no heed to the diahrea of JohnS’ screed.
    Lies, distortions and projections are merely his tactics.
    He’s nothing more than a DIVIDE AND CONQUER troll.

  9. “Trust me, it’s getting strange out there.”

    Yes and no. I mean, no and yes.

    Actually it’s only strange if you haven’t been out there to see/hear it for the past 8 months and you’ve had your head up your _____ or NR’s ______.

  10. I guarantee you JohnS is a paid disrupter for the #NeverTrump super PACs. Just look at the timing of his appearance. At the end of this gig, he’ll be for sale again to whichever PAC could use someone with his experience. Paid trolls is not a myth.

  11. Czar–John S should dry up and blow away–Ive had his number since he denigrated the medical profession in a comment a while back–longtime healthcare worker here and he can go fuckhimself with his crap comment about doctors. This country would be a HELL OF A LOT better off if doctors and not LAWYERS were setting policy. AZ water geek are you enraged at the Saudi’s buying most of LA Paz county to steal water from the rest of the state or are you a John Mccain type of Arizonian?

  12. Hey Czar, not worried about a job next year–I’m retired. Sorry that the doctors screwed up your hemorrhoid transplant. Do you think they’ll be able to safely remove your head from your ass for another try?

  13. Gov lawyer excreting that particular purulent flavor of smug elitism that is government funded pension —so superior to the rest of us schmucks who have to fund our own and can’t retire at 55 after 20 years “work” when the private sector labors till they are mid 70’s. you so rock solid certain your monthly check is guaranteed pal?

  14. TO listingstarboard

    No worries…GuvAmbulanceChaser is likely the older brother of JohnS…they tag-team when they aren’t busy inbreeding with their sister/granny.


  15. Oh, and Listingassward…I know what it’s like to work for a living, working 72 hours in a week on my feet in a business I started from scratch–before I became a lawyer. I’m not taking my government pension yet but earned every penny of it putting dolts like you in jail for things like child molesting–who knows,maybe we’ve “met” in some courtroom on Long Island.

    So if you want to keep this up, go for it, my friend–you started it but I will play as long as you want to. But for me, I’d rather go watch the Mets.

  16. Well you may yet meet this “dolt” as you call me, and it will be in the operating room where I am solely responsible for your” sticking head in someones ass” obsessed life–if you are lucky. My hope is that your life is in the hands of some government doctor instead. Me thinks every post you make involves child molesting and someones ass–instead of reason and logic. Yep you work for the government!!!!

  17. got the whole “at least with hillary i know what i’m gonna get” speech from my MORE REASONABLE SON this last weekend…so he’ll vote hillary if trump gets the nomination….

    the other son is a foregone conclusion brainwashed leftard, having attended college…….

    i can sympathize with the sensible son…..i only registered to vote in 1980 to keep that unpredictable cowboy Ronaldus Magnus OUT of the white house…..four years later, i had learned my lesson, and voted him back in….

    problem with kids is, they have to learn for themselves……my reagan lesson means nothing at all…..sigh……..

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