Party Switch That Will Make N.C. Democrats Twitch – IOTW Report

Party Switch That Will Make N.C. Democrats Twitch


Speculation is rising in the North Carolina legislature that a Democrat is about to switch parties and give Republicans a complete veto-proof majority in the General Assembly, a move that could affect legislation on immigration, abortion and voting.

The GOP scheduled a Wednesday news conference at party headquarters with Rep. Tricia Cotham of Mecklenburg County. House Speaker Tim Moore said Tuesday that Cotham and chamber leaders will “make a major announcement.”

If the Democrat does switch parties, it would be a major political setback for Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper and allies in their attempts to block conservative initiatives during the governor’s final two years in office. More

According to Red State, this could just be the beginning in North Carolina. Here

4 Comments on Party Switch That Will Make N.C. Democrats Twitch

  1. NC Demwits are going ballistic! Cotham is from a NC Democrat political dynasty which makes it even sweeter she left the party. She’s still a liberal, but at least she’ll be voting with Republicans on the major issues.

    Anticipated limited abortions, limited gun ownership restrictions, more religious freedom for Christians, curbing transgender activism applied to law, and voter ID requirement have th the NC Democrats in a tizzy. It’s a joy to behold. LOL! The NC Republicans have the majority and can override leftist, now lame duck Governor Roy Cooper’s vetoes. A dream come true.

  2. Everyone should be paying attention to what is happening in the North Carolina Legislation. For now, things are going in the right direction. Hours after Rep. Cotham announced she will switch to supporting the Republican Party, the NC Senate introduced a bill no. 636 restricting transgenders from participating in High School sports. That really should cover grade schools too. It might eventually- Sweet!


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